Even now, it genuinely feels wrong to play this game, and I like that about it. There's perhaps not much meaning or depth behind it, and behind all that it's a rather mediocre janky shoot 'em up, but they definitely knew what they were doing with the presentation. One of the few transgressive pieces of media that I feel truly succeeded at their goal in all the right ways.

Upsides over the original: It now plays more optimally. Updated visuals make keeping track of the situation way easier, the impact of the shooting feels stronger, the addition of coop is nice, and everything overall is smoother. You can finally see silhouettes of characters behind buildings.

Downsides over the original: Try as the game might to be faithful to the original game's presentation (and to give it credit, it is very faithful), it still feels a bit softened, not as transgressive or "dangerous" as the original, like something you weren't supposed to be playing. Which I felt was the whole point of Postal 1.

Beating it was fun, but reassured me this is the type of game you will come back to only once in a while to play it for a day and then repeat the cycle.

I could summarize this game from its best to worst aspects:
Amazing presentation, engaging enough combat, serviceable story, a bit of repetitive design and environments, barely scary. Can see the appeal, but I probably won't be revisiting it. Especially with the remake coming.

Great memories and all. I just wish the current versions wouldn't be so easy to cheese and minmax.

It does lose some of its appeal after you see enough and just look up guides to get the remaining endings, and frankly I found the "final" ending quite unsatisfying with a lame last surprise. But man, the dialogue is on point, the theme is actually treated with just right levels of seriousness, and it all had enough charm to make me want to see everything I could before beating it.

My first 5* wasn't a woman, fuck this game

I literally just played so a friend would send me a link to FF1

Yeah, there's an extra half a star in there for the nostalgia, but I stand that this game shook the internet so hard for good reasons.

In many ways amazing both in concept and execution, the last 20 minutes or so are wonderful horror. However, that's pretty much all you're getting. Worth a ride for sure though.


Fun enough to more than warrant a play through. But I wouldn't say there's enough depth to follow its encouragements for replaying and mastering it.

Why the fuck would you play any other roguelike at this point