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Not a big fallout or rpg guy in general but despite a ton of setbacks I enjoyed this game, very dense and well crafted world with consistently memorable quests and interesting characters to interact with. I can't excuse how shoddy it is on a technical level, even with roughly a dozen stability mods installed the game was clearly held together with shoelace and bubble gum, though I'm aware its mostly the fault of the game's quick development and bethesda's crap engine. It's also ugly as hell and feels awful to play, and buggy in ways that can be both hilarious or frustrating. In other words, I would love to see this remade with some more technical polish.
Despite existing in the frame of a crappy fps, New Vegas is still a very solid rpg at heart, and as I progressed, collected weapons and expanded my build I found myself pretty satisfied with the gameplay by the end of the game. Player expression in the quests, combat and narrative is excellent and made the overall experience a memorable one. As messy as it was I'm glad I finally got around to finishing it and i look forward to the dlc.