Cute, clever, fun platformer, and it only took me about an hour to beat. Lovely!

Not a big fallout or rpg guy in general but despite a ton of setbacks I enjoyed this game, very dense and well crafted world with consistently memorable quests and interesting characters to interact with. I can't excuse how shoddy it is on a technical level, even with roughly a dozen stability mods installed the game was clearly held together with shoelace and bubble gum, though I'm aware its mostly the fault of the game's quick development and bethesda's crap engine. It's also ugly as hell and feels awful to play, and buggy in ways that can be both hilarious or frustrating. In other words, I would love to see this remade with some more technical polish.
Despite existing in the frame of a crappy fps, New Vegas is still a very solid rpg at heart, and as I progressed, collected weapons and expanded my build I found myself pretty satisfied with the gameplay by the end of the game. Player expression in the quests, combat and narrative is excellent and made the overall experience a memorable one. As messy as it was I'm glad I finally got around to finishing it and i look forward to the dlc.

Exactly what I wanted from a sequel and easily Remedy's best game since Max Payne 2 at least. Awesome story and incredible atmosphere and visuals. The survival horror stuff is good although I will say the gameplay isn't anywhere near as challenging or engaging as a typical resident evil game, but that's okay. Only other issue is that the ending feels a bit rushed from a gameplay angle but I like what it does narratively. Overall brilliant game that I was very satisfied with.
Worth noting that while the story of Control and really every major remedy game contributes to this game's plot, you can go in having only played Alan Wake 1 and follow the story just fine.

Kind of ruins a great cutscene from BBS but it's ok guys cause they explain why mickey wasn't wearing a shirt in the first game

(This rating specifically for A Realm Reborn and its content)

Been playing for ages and while I've gotten lots of enjoyment out of it, especially during the Forsaken era, the game is just not in a place right now where I can reccommend it to anyone, even for free. It is practically impossible to get into the story now that the first 2 years of campaigns and all legacy seasonal content has been removed, the gear sandbox is convoluted as hell and confusing to navigate due to massive collections of gear being made irrelevant and relevant again, and the penultimate year of narrative (Ligthfall) has been baffling to say the least with its unsatisfying and fractured presentation of crucial plot points. Yes, the gameplay loop is extremely fun but every aspect of the game's structure surrounding it is a complete mess and shows no sign of improving after six years. The issues have been manageable for a long-time fan like me and I will likely stay to see how the primary story is wrapped up in The Final Shape, but I doubt I'll stick around for whatever comes next. It deeply saddens me to say that I won't be introducing any friends to Destiny's world in the meantime for the aforementioned reasons, not to add that diving into the full, premium game is an extremely expensive affair even just to access expansions and seasons which have had much of their content gutted since release. There was a long period of time where I gave Bungie the benefit of the doubt, believing that if their circumstances were different under Activision or during lockdown they would be able to fully realize the potential of this game that I genuinely love. Now, after the game has been painfully mismanaged during both independent and new corporate ownership alongside the gargantuan recent layoffs as of November 2023, I can see that the blame with the game lies with the company itself and their own decisions.

I didn't get into the series until shortly before this game came out, so sadly I must admit this is the first Halo game that I was actually able to play while it was fresh. It was one of the games I played most back in High School and for that reason I have a weird amount of nostalgia for it despite its glaring problems.
First off, the campaign is easily the worst in the series. That's not to say it's bad, it's still very fun to play, especially in co-op, but it's short and not very memorable and the story is the only one in the series that I think is genuinely bad. It pulls together dozens of potentially interesting ideas and characters only to underdevelop or throw them away entirely. It's a mess and put the series' overarching narrative on a trajectory that 343 still doesn't seem to know how to correct.
The multiplayer was definitely where this game shined brighter; classic even-starts in arena with advanced movement wasn't everyone's cup of tea but I loved it. The fancy new Warzone mode was a fun chaotic mess that felt like the true realization of the game's sandbox. Unlocks and customization were arguably the biggest misstep in this department; armor customization was absurdly limited and REQ packs injected a pungent odor of pay-to-win to the Warzone mode. These issues would probably have bothered me a lot more had I grown up with the straightforward unlock systems of the previous games, but didn't stop me from sinking countless hours into the PVP regardless.
Was it the worst Halo game? Yeah probably, but I don't think it's lacking any redeeming qualities. Hoping it gets a PC release or added to the Master Chief collection at some point.

one of those games that you hear is perfect and then you play it and you nod and go "yup it's perfect"

Was the coolest game I ever played back in the day
Now i think its kinda silly but still dope

Ok so maybe the reason I didn't like Sonic Frontiers is cause I played this first
minus 1 star cause i wish it was all platforming and no combat

Wow, they finally figured 3D sonic out! Can't wait to see where they go from here

The game that made me realize turn based combat is good actually

Biased toward this one because even though it's not the first Souls game I played, it's the first one that grabbed me enough that I played it to the end. Not knowing what to expect and being surprised by awesome and interesting shit around every corner is one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had, and cemented FromSoft as one of my favorite developers. In retrospect it has a lot of issues, is really linear and over reliant on DS1 throwbacks but still great nonetheless. Wish I could relive that first playthrough though.