incredibly engaging music, confusing scenario, graphics between OK and great, you spend a good moment. Thank you Bandidos.

a giant waste of time and of 1 euro

rarely had so much fun playing a coop exclusive game !

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such a good game, great scenery, out-of-this-world move combination for parkour enthusiasts ruined by horribly generic fight scenes, underwhelming boss fights and one of the worst endings ever... I mean you did all of that for that ?! It's hard to accept the fact that all these great moments flying and jumping around had to be wasted by this badly written story...

the legendary bad game was not only bad in itself but also in the fact that it reminded me of other bad games that I played with these never-ending labyrinths, not-logical progression and lack of characters with even 1% of charisma. 1 star for the great ending music though!

low point : - not a remaster at all compared to GTA
- bad graphics BECAUSE not on our current standards
- very old animations

good point : - the same games everybody once loved
- great music (who cares if they lose the rights of one or two songs, seriously)
- the character devlopment (espcially Tempenny and his minions
- I bought at a low price because I'm not impatient unlike some but still about 3-4 months after release
- veryyyy long lifespan
- funny as hell dialogs

I'm not trying to buy this game a second chance, but trying to make you realize something. Everybody loves replaying an old game even a bad retro game, so replaying GTA San Andreas and the 2 others for 15€ still gives me the chills. You can't judge a game just because it's old-fashioned.

as bad as the graphics and driving parts are, the whole game got me on the edge of my seat from the beginning until the very end. A real joy to play and complete.


un jeu qui manque de tout sauf de bons graphismes

For me, the very best co-op playable PS2 game!

if I remember correctly, I finished the whole game in 1,5 hours...

so scary it's almost impossible to play for me

I love myself some original game like that!

I can say that the game is short, not very pretty if you don't like cel-shading, not open-world enough, but what is the point ? Did I buy GTA VI ? Or just a half-priced detective game that is not to be taken like a LA Noire 2 and more like a direct-to-PSN Microids game ? Indeed, my dear Hastings.