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Most stressful "bring your daughter to work day" ever.

Some scene changes are hit or miss (I especially kind of hated the schedule changes at points, which cost me a 100% max Social Link run that I managed to achieve in FES, and the fact that they didn't do anything to improve the pacing of the summer vacation portion) but the gameplay is a gigantic step up from FES. Definitely enjoyed a lot of the new mechanics and quality-of-life improvements introduced (especially Theurgy) and the reshuffling of skills alongside a more offensive style of combat made for a more enjoyable dungeon crawling experience. I was a bit adamant about the recasting apart from few certain choices since I got so used to the old voice cast but the new cast fully won me over through a good chunk of the game. The Social Links are a lot more engaging now with the added voice acting injecting a lot of personality to the cast of characters, the Linked Episodes are all really solid and Persona 3's story is still engrossing and emotionally impactful as always. All in all, a superb remake.

Every review that says "ignore the Restoration Mod!!!" is intentionally trying to lead you to play a buggy, broken and unfinished mess. Do not pay heed to any of those reviews and play the game with TSLRCM (though not the Steam Workshop one if you want more mods, get it from Deadly Stream).

I would say that I finally beat the game after almost two months of playing but it would be more accurate to say that the game beat me instead.