The weakest of the DP games. Its the only one I've struggled a second playthrough since nearly nothing significant happens until its climax. The pace of this one is a slog

Controls better than the predecessor, but still nothing super innovative to this bloated genre

This was the first one I played after the superior SVR era, and it felt like a stomp to the crotch. Its controls are more complex and the fluidity of the past games felt absent. Other than a great roster for the time, this sunk my hopes of ever getting a legit GREAT WRASTLING GAME ever again.

Felt like melted vanilla Ultimate Alliance

The beginning of a franchise that is uneven in quality, but radical as hell for its ambition and ideas!

I spent more time raging, rather than having a blast while playing this.

A strong follow up that isn't quite the juggernaut the predecessor is, but beating this on the hardest difficulty was a incredibly fun challenge and its continuation was a delight from the first!

Am I wrong?
I remember this game being quite sluggish and off. I recall the voice acting being horrid and the gameplay not flowing with me, especially being heavily involved with COD at the time of release.

As someone far from a fan of LOTR, I was blown away by this. It is essentially a more fluid AC game with a middle earth blanket. Everything feels good, and its combat is some of the most satisfying I've ever played within a hack n slash setting. Although, I found the climax of the game to feel undercooked. It has a lot of fun to offer and I'm sure I'll pick it up again to snatch up 100%

Fast, fluid, bloody, and messy! Deadrising is the zombie game that we all needed for years. You could even argue with its extensive list of options and variety to destroy the dead, has been unmatched by any other game (besides the sequels). I've sunk hundreds of hours into the sequel, and I was just looking to experience this game. Not sure if I'll return for more playthroughs, but an enjoyable experience it was!

It bleeds its love for 80s so much its almost blinding. It is just enough FarCry for me at this point with how dreadful New Dawn and 6 felt. The combat is fun, the map is small, and it is far from overwhelming.

It passed the time in my web design class way back in High School. Otherwise, I wouldn't use my actual free time to play it.

A fun, yet undercooked remake of one of my all time personal favorite games. Missing levels and the addition of the monotonous carnival games left this game on a limp. It still has some fun gameplay that is sloppy in the most charming way possible. It's not as dark or nostalgic as the Original, and its not as neat and firm as the recent remake, but it gets the job done. Just skip the long riffing cutscenes.

Despite it having an impressive score that we didn't deserve. It's loose controls are difficult to commandeer, and its limited draw distance and chaotic aiming can pose some unwarranted difficulty to the game. However, its still charming and was a bold move for a movie tie-in game that I still had fun with.

A strong follow up that isn't quite the juggernaut the predecessor is, but beating this on the hardest difficulty was a incredibly fun challenge and its continuation was a delight from the first!