It was fun! I liked the progression of the game, it felt like you got each upgrade to your suit wherever you needed them and made use of each of one throughout the game pretty well i'd say. the ONLY blemish to this is the mother brain boss, that shit stank, but otherwise it's a great game and it holds up amazingly well!

this is pretty much a flawless game, i have enjoyed it all the way through and i don't really have too many complaints, good shit!

i really enjoyed playing this game and i loved it. i feel like at some point when i was growing up as a kid, i had a thought that what if there was a game that played along with the music (and i don't mean rhythm games obviously), because i've always enjoyed listening to music from video games for so long so seeing this game take that concept, make it the central point of the game and do it really well makes me happy. this is not a perfect game but i still love and appreciate everything that it does here, and for the most part it's a solid execution!

first off, the OST is a fuckin banger, no question about it (i mean your game has GOT to have good music if its whole theming surrounds it) . they did a good job with the presentation of the world and its characters fitting into the theming. it's really cool to me how much they really tried to make music the identity of this world, with each boss being part of a different genre of music, the enemies and fights going along to the beat which also effects how you play, because you're going along with the rhythm in order to have a successful fight against them. not only just that but the music direction is really good too, the music dynamically changes as you keep fighting the bosses and it's just so well done.

i mentioned before though that this isn't a perfect game, i can see certain areas where there can be a little more fine tuning or could be developed further, mainly talking about the gameplay aspect. i personally feel that it's far from being bad, but there's definitely room for improvement to make the fights have a little bit more depth to make them a bit more fun and engaging. at the end of the day though i enjoyed my time with it, and i wish the game was a little longer. would def recommend NSR!

idk how i got here but i saw this man in my nightmares

This game does capture the spirit of the original for me in many ways. I've had fun with a lot of the levels and some which were really creative, utilizing the game's arts and crafts style in a cool and enjoyable way. Really the only thing for me is the final level, like it's my least favorite level in the entire game. Notice how I'm not specifying the final boss, it's actually fine for what it is, i wasn't expecting anything that'd bust my balls or whatever, so it's fine the way it is. But the level itself leading up to it. Yeah that was a bit of a let down considering how much I've enjoyed some of the previous levels from the other worlds. What would've been so cool for a final level, is that it like puts all the new mechanics and stuff that you've learned from the other levels, into one. Like the curtains that you ride on in World 4-5 (the only level they show up in) or the conveyors that let you stick to them because of the material you're made out of. There were a lot of cool things they could've thrown in here to really test the knowledge and skills of the player for a final level.

So what is the final level anyway? Well you basically just color code four statues using your yarn, and once you do you open up a door that'll lead you to the boss room. Well there's another hallway sorta room before you reach the door but that's about it, also the colored yarn that you need comes from certain that are shy guys spread around, so that's the very definition of fun. I'd much rather do a fetch quest than any of the other cool shit this game had to offer beforehand... ON THE LAST LEVEL.

Nah but fr this game was fun otherwise.

I enjoyed playing through the levels more than in Advance 1, they seem designed better. However, I wish the game told you beforehand about the tricks you can do in the air after jumping off a ramp since that knowledge is absolutely required for Sky Canyon, neat mechanic otherwise. Also, I didn't really enjoy any of the bosses in this game. Not a complete detriment to the experience, especially when using save states tho.

All this did was make me wanna play the DS version of the game