17 reviews liked by Pinetears

i want to stuff this game in a locker

Not nearly as interesting as it thinks it is.

I'm not one to invoke or praise the work of one Armond White, but his patented "hipster nihilism" label is too apt here.

A game that hates games as well as players.

Game: What's the most important part of comedy?
Player: I dun-
Player: hehehe ok
Game: What's the most imp-
Player: timing
Game: You! Soulless bastard!
Player: woah, ok buddy
Game: Well if you're so clever, knock knock
Player: Who's there?
Game: THE 4th WALL!
Player: heh yeah ok cool
Game: NO!! YOU SAY "THE 4th WALL WHO?"!!!1!
Player: ... the4thwallwho
Player: ffs man
menu > quit > delete

a british "person" tells me what to do while a bunch of philosophy degree gamers tell me THATS THE POINT!!!!!!! and yet i do not care. stop being british ok just stop

Yeah this game is based... as in it's based on a really convoluted and self absorbed premise that a game where nothing actually happens and an annoying narrator berates you the entire time could ever be fun



injecting alien cum through my eye made me able to pick up a fridge

If THPS is outrun, skate is burnout paradise.
You trade that fast ridiculous gameplay for more freedom and a more realistic experience. The way they let you tackle goals in whatever part of the open world you want to embodies the essence of street skating in a super cool way.

can i just make my review "suck it, David Cage" and leave it there? oh, I can? perfect. that's perfect.

1 list liked by Pinetears

by MFossy |

125 Games