So many options to add to Terraria and possible to replay the game so many times with different features

A classic game. Played for the first time in the anniversary promotion and worth it.

A really cool card games with different features compared to others TCG. Like free games, this still have P2W with paid battle pass to unlock unique cards. Without this, is a very good game with a such potential.

Cool to play with friends and take so many times dying until domine the controls

I spent so many time playing this game to catch all the achievements, is a very difficult progress if you don't want to pay to unlock good cards. This is the problem of so many games, you will nedd to pay to unlock decks or cards. I can also get good and meta decks just playing and getting game coins to unlock new cards.

Is the same that CSGO, but with "good graphics". This game is bad opmized to old, and new hardwares. If you were getting 100fps in CSGO, in this game you will get 50fps. Valve made a big mistake in this point.

Much more a simple "smash bross copy", Brawlhalla get his place among competitive games, and have better tournaments than Smash Bros, Nintendo's fault. Being a free game, is very common to have paid itens, in this case, need too pay to get the game money to unlock outfits or characters. You can also unlock the characters, will take a longer time but still possible.

Best art design, music and gameplay. Cuphead brings we back to the 1950 animations art style. Its a very hard game in the begin and you need to learn dying so many times, until get the skills. The story is simple but good, its like the old animations sotories, the two cupheads sells his souls to the devil and need to get the soul of debtors to pay off the debit. The DLC Delicious Last Course add new features to the game, new enemies, shoots and Calice, a new playable characters with different skills.

Rusty Lake knows how to make goos puzzles game and develop his story. Paradox is like the others game of the franchise, you need to solve puzzles and get new informations about whats wrong in Rusty Laike. The game hide some secrets too, that you will need to connect with others game to find. The last chapter came as DLC, i will not judge the Rusty Lake team, because we know hot good developed this game is, and have real life videos.

Played this game after beat the Portal 2 and it's a very good game, I can see the good stuff here that Portal 2 has taken advantage of. The time levels are very good and bring more difficult for those who thought the campaign easy. I will give 5/5 because this game delivers everything that promised

This game is really cool, but I have some issues while playing. I dont finished yet, but I will review ultil the point a quit. I played this game in LAN with a friend, and some times the game gives images problems that I can't solve and cannot play. Talking about the good things now, the game give you a adventure that you can to play with 3 friends, you are magicians and can also create spells gathering others spells. The enemies are goblins, trolls, live trees and others monster that you can see in an tabletop RPG fantasy. The most funny part of this game is the friendly fire, you can kill yout friends purposely or by accident.


This game is really simples and fast, depends of your capaccity to resolve puzzles. The story is told with cards that you find after catch new colors. The puzzles are solved using the mechanic to change the colors of the world, seeing the world in different ways (I think so). You need to push boxes, change color to hide objects and pass, take keys and avoiding to die. I know it's a Indie game but I think it could deliever more.

Postal é um jogo em que controlamos Postal Dude, um simples entregador dos correios, o qual acha que a sua cidade foi contaminada por uma doença que deixa as pessoas violentas e ele é o único imune, capaz de acabar com isso. A gameplay do jogo pode se tornar viciante durante as primeiras fases da campanha, com um grande arsenal a disposição, podemos acabar com vários inimigos de diversas formas possíveis, além de poder atacar civis e animais. Após algumas fases, notei que não havia mudanças significativas, além do cenários. Os inimigos continuam os mesmos, exceto alguns novos que surgem, como mineiros lançadores de bombas e torretas. A mecânica é sempre a mesma, bater uma meta de execuções, que pode ser atingida facilmente, mas não acrescenta muita dificuldade ao jogador. Então, acaba por ficar enjoativo quando perto de acabar o jogo, pois não nota-se grande diferenças. Tirando essa parte da variabilidade, o jogo pode ser sim bastante divertido para aqueles que procuram algo para passar o tempo e descontrair. Ele é simples, porém interessante na sua construção, tentar entender o porque o protagonista faz o que faz e o caos que se desenrola das suas insanidades, podendo também optar por "regredir".

Another Rusty Lake game that deliever what promissed. It's like the others games, you need to solve puzzles, see bizarre and supernatural happenings, trying to understante the lore...

Emily, please don't let me alone. I didn't writed that NOOOO