Mappy 1983

Log Status






Time Played

0h 8m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 12, 2024

Platforms Played


Flicky outsold, go home gurl. No, seriously, I genuinely prefered it to Mappy. It has better cat sprites, that's all it takes. Graphics matter in this new age of gamers (we started popping up 20 years ago). But unless you're a soulless pool of ideas like Tower Of Fantasy or Palword, comparing games from different minds doesn't suit me. What Mappy does is not too crazy, the bite-sized gameplay loop they had to choose worked well enough. It's not intuitive, but you get the hang of how things work eventually. Whatever buzzwords people used back then probably conveyed the floatiness of the game better than I ever could, but "sigma" will have to do. Staring down these cats as you soar or dive past them is the first sign of alpha activity in Mappy's career. All of that digested neatly as you spend quite some time in the air. I never seen no rat come out of a redbull commercial like that.

Secret's out, I always fumble the bonus stage at the last possible moment. I've started to recollect Flicky's bonus stage and replacing my memories of Mappy with that one as coping mechanism. The comparison makes itself at this point, as unstoppable as an angry hippo you don't wanna mess with, though not as dangerous. Outside of the odd reference and a surprising new entry by the former devs, we won't see Mappy in meaningful roles, but people still know who he is to this day. His... name is Mappy, right? The mouse, I mean. He's a dilf that's all I know for sure I'm just assuming that's his name. I just can't shake this bad feeling. He looks like a Mitch or a Bruno to me, fine names if I do say so myself, fitting for a cop in duty indulging in intense physical activity inside what I hope is his own house.