Men with demons will literally become hermits before seeking therapy. A lookout in the middle of a lush, breathtaking location is where you'll find Henry, a man like any others only with drunk harassment rizz... nah I'm harsh with him he pulled his wife earnestly. Henry's cool but the pull of the game is Delilah and seeing them connect throughout the summer. Not the right move to switch to a "look thats deep" direction in my opinion, the first days were a bit of levity and we skipped over all the mundanity to have some overarching dark plot which feels misdirecting. Cave really was delightfully claustrophobic though hats off to the cook 👏

I ate a rotten granola bar and suffered no consequence. What kind of man eats a rotten granola bar and suffers no consequence?

Reviewed on Jan 14, 2024


1 month ago

couldnt possible be more true

1 month ago

@_YALP minor spelling mistake... but you're cool so ima just say thank u!