It really was a Party, wasn't it? Everybody was invited. That one uncle, too. What a joyous event to recall. I wanna play a board game while I 666 my way into literal Hell for my lack of foresight and expertise. This 666 could come in handy again though. Wasn't it the number of minigames? I could swear not, but there were a lot. I do still remember most of them. Oh, but I mean "microgames" if I wanna be precise as a hoe. There were microgames, and minigames with microgames in it, and megagames- "There is another" doesn't work here, sorry. But still, that's a dogload of content.

Notice to the faint of heart, Wii Party is highly competitive! We mano a mano in this household. I was never losing, and if I was, it was by a hair's breadth (I'm a filthy liar). It's actually bittersweet that I can't remember who was leading the charge between my bro and myself. We didn't care, we were just having fun. I was given a run for my money on certain minigames, that much I can admit. My pizza delivery days are done and dusto. No mucho gusto. No, I am not mocking italean language, also this is the part where I follow suit to discuss the globetrotter minigame and a bunch of others. I'm not built for this. Let's say the globalization of mii tomfoolery has had an impact on tourism rates for certain countries: it is good. I get the start my journey in France... There have been luckier fellows.

Miis really were lightning in a bottle for Nintendo, weren't they? Let's take a look at what we squabbling to. Most of these are 4-player ones because we want everybody to catch a stray. Zombie Tag made me feel so wise beyond my ears, while my peers were already hopping on Dead Space and the likes. Flag Fracas was my downfall fr ik the opps were in on it cuz aint no way I was shaking the remote early. I was unstoppable when I got going though. Risky Railroad was hilarious to me idk why and it didnt take skill to pull off to boot. Shutter Pup often concluded in Epic failure, and I guess to compensate I was kinda good at Cry Babies? I was closer to their age than I now am to my middle school days, gosh Wii Party need a Switch 2 entry alongside Tomodachi Life.

Find somebody and play these damn games mane. Don't let miis filter you... they're so cool comeon... the definition of nostalgia clouding your common sense... and they put spring in my step, and it is spring, and so happy spring!

Reviewed on May 17, 2024


Globe Trot is pure SOUL, I probably played the main Board Game Island mode more back in the day but GT was pure joy, and the rest of the side modes weren't that far behind now that I think about it...

This really brought back some memories, we need a Mii renaissance pronto!

1 month ago

@DeemonAndGames oh no, he used a buzzword! But you're right, most of the modes last as long as a board game usually does (except the actual board game mode, what the hell!) if you remember Globe Trot being good... your memory is good.

wherever a Mii Renaissance Corps will take root, I shall find my way to it

28 days ago

This is the best Wii series game no cap

28 days ago

@Wollom now that I think about it! Yeah! Probably!

23 days ago

FRONT PAGE! Awesome review

23 days ago

Find somebody and play these damn games mane 🔥🔥🔥

That was an enjoyable ass read

22 days ago

@Memoats tank u my strongest soldier 🫡

@VeryIngenious that was VERY cash money of you sir! Very enjoyable ass fuckin comment right there!