He really went and invented save slots, very cool Miyamoto. He is the true ruler of Hyrule cuz he rules. Aside from that cool fact, Legend of Zelda still holds water. It took me 10 minutes to realize I was playing a weird mod as Zelda herself, perhaps I am not the observant gamer Miyamoto wanted in order to find all the...secrets...! As well as the... other secrets...?! I just can't look over the fact I saved Zelda with Zelda. Onto the finer details, this game is very peculiar because there are a rupeellions number of items to collect in order to progress. Make sure to inspect the labyrinths thoroughly. Maybe one of the first games to raise the question "how does this goofball carry all this?" this is probably why all these punks are fixing to rob me after I get any Triforce shard and leave the house. It's on sight and I'm in the crosshair.

Among all Link carries are the classics. The boomerang flabbergasts its victims, the candle is a safety hazard. The gift-wrapped C4 I rigged to explode in the middle of my speech on "do twinks deserve more or less?". You actually need a PhD in "Where's Wally?" to guess which spots to explode and arson to collect the goodies. The game can be completed without a guide... unless you consider your heart one. Dawww. Fuck it we ball, I don't need a job, I don't need marriage, I certainly don't need a guide. The game certainly gets more bearable with the Master Sword, though. LeBron, scream if you love the Master Sword! Shoot, LeBron reportedly forgot to retrieve the raft before leaving the room. No, Google, I'm not feeling lucky. I'm getting by on skill alone, although I constantly forget to pick up my bow. In the pp sized sword we trust.

Speaking of this sword, it can shoot a beam at max health. I am more often not at full health, so it's just a fun fact at this point. When do the fun facts officially become... just facts? Look at Ganon btw brooo he ate cement when he was 6 😭 fuck it we ball again let me close the distance gap between us, we have a button to mash boys and girls. Ain't no shot I'm losing after going through so many bosses... by the by, wouldn't you know it, the enemy variety is quite high. I seem to always find the perfect time to attack at the wrong time, I bet the Darknut facing me as soon as I press the button to deal unavoidable damage to me doesn't know I just shouted at him to eat my Darknuts!! save me Aonuma, Aonuma!!, Aonuma....save me...

I think navigating the map is pretty fun, depending on the day. But 2 months ago, yesterday and today (yeah I played this game at a pretty conspicuous schedule.) it is fun. I wish the enemies didn't respawn, what does mortality mean in literature if not enjoying the time spent with those who may go? The fish stalker is enough. Although not easy to farm rupees with him I'm tellin you

Reviewed on Jun 02, 2024
