Not my type of game. Anyone cares to tell me why I cant find it in me to put it down? The prospect of terminating Thanatos in bed perchance has some bearing on it. Some games have strange ways to call us single in every language known to man...

I swear they have an infinite amount of dialogue in this hoe. If it didnt hit so hard with great voice acting you'd think it's AI-generated. Except Papyrus he did tend to repeat himself.. Am I telling on myself for the amount of times I bent him? Yeah. As a Fire Emblem player I also speak for everyone when I express my disappointment at the lack of cousin hook-up in this game it is truly a missed opportunity for some morally bankrupt decisions frfr.

Bow gameplay is iconic. I think I did best with the shield. It's very fun to use that one.

Reviewed on Apr 25, 2023
