Probably the worst of the WoW expansions.

Would have been a five star if they had just added player housing at some point.

The thing I remember the most about this game was the bad guys going to the bathroom... and that you could shoot them in there. 🫣

I loved renting this one at Blockbuster.

I obssessed over this game leading up to it's release. It's a fun, if forgettable RPG in the Final Fantasy-esque style.

A sort of lackluster ARPG. It came out during a dry spell for good D&D games.

Long before Baldur's Gate 3 and Solasta, this was the best way to experience a digital version of D&D.

One of my favorite games from the early 2000s. It came out around the same time as the prequel movies and Star Wars Galaxies, which for me made it a 'golden age' of Star Wars gaming.


I always wished we could walk around in stations and on our ship. Still it's an amazing game. Though if you're like me and you work with spreadsheets a lot you may find aspects of this game like "work".

A failed attempt to make a spiritual successor to Ultima Online. I tried it briefly but heard it became some form of an NFT game.

Dark elves were the best 😍

So much promise. If it had PvE elements it'd have been so much better.