Marvelous! Great expansion on the ideas of Kirby in 3D from prior. Kirby controls like a dream in every situation, the art direction is fantastic and it expands upon the lore in interesting ways. Copy ability evolutions are hit or miss, but more often than not, they're great. The only one I take slight issue with is Drill, which feels a liiittle more situational than a copy ability should, but the final upgrade makes it more generally applicable. The level design is masterful and consistently fun, provides alright challenge and is FULL of secrets to look for. Overall, fantastic execution, perfect landing. Looking forward to the sequel, or just the next Kirby game in this style.

This game is so strange and interesting and unique! It's in a weird space between modern and classic Tetris where SRS and T-Spins are included, but no bonus for a perfect clear, among other future additions. The gameplay is extremely solid and everything I want out of modern Tetris, and it even had online support, which is amazing. This would have been the BEST to have back then. Not to mention the other modes it has, all of which are super interesting and unique in their own right, especially Push, that's my favourite one, it's CRAZY how interesting it is!

Great game! Lovely puzzle game with like, a LOT of levels. Fantastic expansion on the original levels in 3D World. Did everything there was to do, it was quite a challenge to find everything!

It's fine, for an arcade game. I was surprised I hadn't played it sooner. It's got lots of soul, it just gets unfair later in the levels, like arcade games do. Just sucks, I'd love to play all these old games as like, actual experiences, but they're just made different. Oh well, still fun.

Just... Don't bother. Not a good game. Not a well designed game, doesn't control good, just... It's all kinds of bad. Castlevania does everything this game does and a thousand times better. In that game, the controls are stiff for a reason, the world is designed around having that fixed jump angle and your slow attack. In this game, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to control your jump, other than it was just... the thing to do, when making games back then. It's just not good.

I feel like a lot of games back in the day could have been amazing just... by accident. It could have been a complete fluke that Super Mario Bros. became one of the most revolutionary and influential games of that era. With Yoshi's Island, however, I feel as though they just knew, they must have just KNOWN they were making a masterpiece. Every single inch of this game is bursting with originality and charm. There's so much detail here that it makes me wonder, when developers talk about storage space limitations on SNES, what in the world could have taken up so much space, because this game has so many little things and animations that may go unnoticed to someone not looking for them.

A wonderful game, a masterclass in 2D platforming, play this for ideas.

Pretty cool!! I love when developers turn a single player puzzle game into a multiplayer action versus game! It's even got a story mode where you fight a little tiny living onigiri for some reason! The only issues I have is that there is no garbage margin, or pressure system to keep the game from going on for 40 years. I don't want something as ham-fisted as modern Tetris, where there is UNCLEARABLE garbage stacking up from the bottom, I would want something more like Puyo Puyo, in which the amount of garbage sent slowly, subtly increases with time until both players are sending mountains of nuisance blocks with every move, making mistakes mean more and more bad the longer the game goes on.

A very cute puzzle game with a level editor to spend time on. Tons of levels, it was sure to last a kid in the 80s all summer long, provided they had the patience for it. It's a slower paced game where making a mistake means starting all over, so it's best to plan out the level ahead of time when starting.


I don't know what the goal of this game is other than to make whole eggs, and I don't know how it's supposed to get tougher, but all I do know is that this game is why we have Pokemon, which astounds me, that this game sold well enough for it to allow the passion project that was Pokemon to exist.

Downwell is impressive, and inspiring. It's very fun and super fast paced with lots of mechanics that sort of go underutilized in the name of going down, 99.99% of the time, like wall jumping. I enjoyed this game a lot, it inspires me to make something of my own.

Not the most impressive arcade game, but it has a satisfying gameplay loop that is only brought down by the stiff and finnicky controls. I like the varieties of enemy and the Gameboy Advance Mario titles packaging an updated version of this game in was very smart.

Not bad! It's a pretty well balanced game that doesn't get too unfair in the later levels. It's another solid handheld.


Not bad for the first outing! I like killing half or a full hour with this every now and again. I think most people would find this soul tearingly boring, but I think it's charming and cute.

Loved it, this is the game that got me into both Puyo Puyo and Tetris. I own three copies of it and have 100%ed the story on all of them. I love all the modes and how well the Tetris and Puyo versus mode balances itself out (for the most part), and the story is very witty and funny, especially chapter nine. The English voice cast is everything I could have ever wanted, especially Klug and Schezo. They're fantastic.