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Jesus Christ.

Call of Duty didn't need to do another WW2 game, we had 5 of them before this. That being said, Vanguard just plain fuckin' sucks.

Starting with campaign, it varies from boring to god-awful historical revisionism. None of the characters do anything interesting, all of the story is told through backstory that kinda connects? All they do is just show how the main characters became more like leaders but leave it at that. Plus, crazy saying that Polina single-handedly help win Stalingrad for the Red Army, like... that's plain not what happened. The villain, Hermann Freisinger, is you know... a Nazi. Pretty evil dude to say the least, but he wants to be Hitler but better? We all know Nazis are evil so if you know anything we know why we should be routing against him. All in all, its boring.

Multiplayer is... Multiplayer. It's just MW 2019's gameplay but you can have all 10 gunsmith attachments! ...Great stuff. All the new weapons and characters added didn't fucking fit into a WW2 COD game, like fucking Snoop Dog and Menendez? The F2000 and EM3? Do we not care about game premises anymore? Mid.

Zombies is HOT ASS, but did get kinda better. On launch, NO ROUND BASED ZOMBIES. What the fuck was the point of even having zombies without round based as even an option? Eventually with more updates, the newer maps had round based gameplay with some gameplay improvements, but fuck me, poor Treyarch got dragged in to throw together some half assed mode for Sledgehammer (WHO WEREN'T EVEN SUPPOSED TO MAKE COD THAT YEAR) to put into.

Closely tied with MWIII (2023) as the worst Call of Duty. Period.

HOI4 is a game that I have sunk maybe too many hours into. As Paradox Games are, HOI is not a beginner-friendly game, you need to be REALLY into real-time strategy games, or (like me) REALLY into history, or both, this is for you. Gameplay of other PDX games like EU4 and Vic 2 are much more difficult to understand, so HOI4 is one to begin with.

Base game is good... as long as you have the DLCs. Playing unmodded HOI4 without DLC is like driving a car without doors, like you kinda need those to have a pleasant time.

Mods on the other hands... ARE AMAZING. The creativity, schizo or actual alt-history, is truly something you don't see in lots of communities. Hell, I could give HOI4 a 10 just for Kaiserredux. Kaiserredux is amazing, 10/10. What I'm trying to say is that mods make this game so much better.

All in all, HOI4 is a solid 8. The strategy gameplay is nice, not as complex as other PDX games, but quite enjoyable to use and encircle your enemies (plus the reworks on planes in No Step Back and Infantry in By Blood Alone are great to help you rip up divisions on the battlefield). It portrays WW2 pretty good, and the base alt-history is fun for some nations.

One of the most peak games I've ever played. Story is more unconcise and meander-y compared the first Red Dead, but still very grounded and periodically accurate. Roger Clark's performance as Arthur Morgan is one of the best I've seen in gaming, on par with Rob Wiethoff's performance as John Marston in the first Red Dead, and this entry. Gameplay is great and engaging, new improvements to Deadeye and hunting are well-welcomed additions to freemode.

Speaking of freemode, new Legendary Animals join the world to hunt freely, not connected to ambient challenges like the first Red Dead, and new crafting recipes like different ammo types and tonics.

But, its not a Rockstar game without a paragraph of criticism. First, to add about the bloated story. I liked how they addressed what happened to John before he left the Van Der Linde Gang, its how I imagined it went. The missions... just sometimes go on and on and on. The horse rides to objectives at the beginning of missions are great for exposition, but the gameplay sucks during it, which is essentially holding A down on a path. They could've found a way to trim the fat of the transitional gameplay, just saying. Oh Red Dead Online... how I feel so sorry for RDO. Just take a look at all the support it got compared to the updates that GTA Online got, it's obvious where R*'s priorities lie.

Still, one of the best sandbox games out there. Outlaws For Life.