When te das cuenta de las cosas.

Surprised at how obscure this game is even for most people in the fandom

A nice collection of minigames and fnaf history! The lore is cool even with the previous game ending so well. A good one for people who want to play fnaf without getting too much into the series

Gets boring after a few hours and the updates are kinda not great.
Yeah you can skip this one lol.

Captures the first two games perfectly, I love the designs and the gameplay is fun and simple! Perfect if you want something close to the first ones.

I remember being so hyped with this game and kinda disappointed on the release.
Now that some time has passed: its alright! not the best one, not the worse one, just something in-between.
A remake would be great tho lol

Great story trapped inside a can of terrible gameplay. The minigames are cool but the nights are incredibly bad. Hoping for a better experience on the next one

A fun parody of the first game. Its nice!

Also fuck johnochrome

Awesome gameplay and mechanics! the artstyle and atmosphere are nice too. Really freaking good!

Also fuck Johnochrome.

The best fnaf game if you're looking for good mechanics and gameplay rather than horror itself.
Maybe a little too hard for my taste but it makes sense since it has only 1 night!
Good way to end the series! 10/10

Also fuck Johnochrome.

more of a technical demo than a full game, its still nice

Its funny how when someone tries too hard to make something seem sexy they end up making it gross
(The game sucks ass btw)

David Cage unleashed a thousand raging plagues upon my land