Black panther for people who likes cards and BDSM



Alright this game is not THAT bad but the more I think about what it could have been the more pissed off I am
Leaving bugs and weird design choices apart, Im gonna write down the ways I would have made the story better
Obvious Spoiler Warning for below:

-Let Vanny appear more.
She is supposed to be the main villain of the game, instead she just chases you like 2 times in the game repeating over and over again the same damn voicelines... Its kinda lame.

-Please more lore exposure!
The animatronics just kinda.. turn evil? for some reason? why not let them be friendly in the first "30 minutes" of the night or so and THEN show them slowly becoming corrupted and evil? That way not only the player has more exposure about how something weird is happening with them, they also bond a little bit more with the characters before having to tear them down!

-More variety in levels.
Some parts of the game are really unique, I like sun/moondrop level, and also the endoskeleton SCP ass part was really fun! But c'mon all the damn glamrocks are the same, even after being shattered... It would be a lot better if each one had some unique mechanic (other than having eyes or not...)

-That DAMN ending...
The true ending is a total mess, its the part I dislike the more of this game because of how sudden it is...
You're in the goddamn FFPS location! It should be a really interesting part of the game for fans! BUT there's no build-up what-so-ever!!!
Remember that part in portal 2 where you go around the underground part of the facilities? What if it was like that? What if it was a larger part of the endgame, with Blob and Vanny chasing you, Tapes with Henry explaining stuff about William and about how the FFPS pizzeria works? What if Burntrap had an interesting personality and was actually intimidating? What if Gregory learned how to use the fire trap by listening to Henry and THEN in the final showdown against Burntrap we would have to defend ourselves from him while re-activating the machine and setting the place on fire once again???

This game is not terrible
But it could have been so much more
It could have been the best fnaf game, with more advanced gameplay and graphics and a lot of people hyped for it...
But instead it was a mixed bag of good and bad decisions

I hope the DLC is better.

Re-played it again after a few years and still holds up as I remember, truly a masterpiece. Fuck Gargantuars.

jinjussy got my jiggy acting mumbo

This happened to my buddy Richard

Normalize not going to therapy

This game makes me want to speedrun

This game would be crazy if it had "2" on the title

Solid little game to spend a few minutes in, not that much to say.

Maybe we are the virus...................

It has some problems that definetly need to be adressed but I still had a really good time playing it! I love the PokeCamp, the new pokemon designs, and even some characters. Not the best pokemon by a long shot, maybe the worse pokemon, but still overhated in my opinion.

Me: woah where did my good franchise go?

EA with a suspiciously big belly: urghhh burp I d-dont know urgghh burps tee-hee