Log Status






Time Played

20h 0m

Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

March 30, 2024

First played

March 28, 2024

Platforms Played


"I guess no matter how hard you try, you can’t escape your past..."

God this one hit hard.

While I have yet to play The Last Of Us Part 2, or the first game before, this game's story has been unmissable due to its impact on internet culture. Hell even though I spoiled myself many years ago and watched Markiplier's play-through of the game, it still managed to hit so fucking hard.

To start, the game is incredibly cinematic. But not in a over-the-top bombastic way, rather a reserved and emotional way. More than anything else, the developers wanted to tell you a story, and I was sooo down.

The Last Of Us's acting is phenomenal. This is one of the few games I've played where I feel like almost every actor could've earned an award for their performances. But Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson easily stole the show.

The writing for this game was amazing as well. While it was difficult for me to block out the spoilers I've been exposed to for the second game, I still found so much nuance in this game's story and dialogue.
Even if the second game was never made, Jole and Ellie would feel like fully realized characters. All of the credit goes to Neil Druckmann and all the lovely people who worked on this game.

As for the gameplay, I actually really liked it. In many ways it felt like a much faster Resident Evil 2. Limited ammo and supplies, and lots of scary enemies that need to die. While the combat took me a while to get the hang of (fuck the clickers), once I started playing aggressively I was mowing through EVERYBODY

But yeah, this game is a MUST PLAY, and I can't wait to try out Part 2