Chulip 2002

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Chulip is a really interesting iyashikei, using the ideas of Moon but putting to "work" instead of just debating them (Moon is a amazing gane too but is more about making people see what makes games great in a meta way instead of showing in the pratice). The amazing hub world with the cool cast is used in a very smart way to show how capitalism kills the individual with the town having A LOT of depressive old dudes regretting the life choices and the workers losing all the meaning in ther lifes and to Chulip the way to try to resolve those things when you have the same level in action as a child, is just trying to give love for everyone. Being nice, discovering the world of people, helping others, you can't do much to the world alone but you can at least try to make those people around you happy and be happy yourself finding love or just reaching your personal objective. Is a cute message in a game really well made in everything. Is really funny, is smart, have an amazing soundtrack and the only thing I can complain about is the day/night cycle being to short even if helps sometimes in the game loop. But is just an amazing game all the way through