68 reviews liked by Power__Nate

"you missed the point by idolizing her" but for women

this is what every sewerslvt fan looks like

A Denpa visual novel to its core.
Countless times, what you thought of as a certainty transforms into something indescribably alien, something frightening, something scarring.
It is quite a morally complex story.
Indeed, the line between villain and hero often blurs.
Who should partake in your affection?
Who should you despise?
Who is at fault, truly—who caused all this misery?
It such a tale that you’ll find behind the amateurish yet surprisingly fitting presentation.
A tale about abuse.
A tale about mob mentality.
A tale about fear of the unknown.
Above all else.
A tale about a single girl’s emotional struggle.
For sure, the growth of our protagonist can only be described as brilliant.
Altruism is a failure.
It's fine to be selfish.
It is those lessons that Mercy must primarily learn.
She must move past her scars, and move on—into the future.
Such a story it is.

Seems to be the most genuine denpa experience for english only speakers right now, which is fine with me this game rocks. Themes near the end very drastically change in a direction I never expect but I guess that is par for the course in this genre.

the scientists have managed to synthesise the feeling of COMFY and squeezed it into this 2000 N64 game. they just had a guy with a test tube labelled COMFY pouring this green liquid inside it onto an N64 cart

This game is amiibo compatible and I just wanna point out that in this game if you scan the Lucina amiibo, you can have Fire Emblem Awakening's own Lucina, a princess from a grim future who's traveled back in time to stop the apocalypse and the death of everyone she's ever loved, walk into your shop and have you pick out the best oufit for her, and I think that's so cool.

I played this game on a private server with friends in high school. I really liked the pyro player in it. We're engaged now.