I can finally play Bayonetta on an engine that's actually fun

Played an hour before having to stop because of the motion sickness this game caused me. I wasn't really having that much fun with it either so I won't be coming back to it.

This game being a prequel for the best character from DQ11 isn't enough to get me to suffer through its sluggish combat and unsatisfying gameplay loop

This game was a pretty solid MVC clone but everyone I know uninstalled it when the devs abandoned it to work on an nft game, so yeah I'm never playing it again

Pretty cool 2 and a half hour cutscene

better than breath of the wild

An obvious improvement on Crystal, but it still doesn't fix many of Johto's glaring issues

Love this game more than 64 but there's no way I'm gonna force myself to 100% complete it

Had a ton of fun with this as a casual fan of the game. Helps that I had it in 120 fps HD with real camera controls.