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FallenGrace commented on FallenGrace's list At the push of a button.
@Dreamboat - Definitely adding that currently just because it sounds such a weird hybrid option.

6 hrs ago

FallenGrace commented on FallenGrace's list At the push of a button.
@curse - Same! Every remaster should have it.

@Drax - Yep seems to having a quick look. Added thanks!

9 hrs ago

FallenGrace commented on theia's review of Final Fantasy XVI
Haven't played this yet if only because SE's games have been made for an audience I'm increasingly not part of for many years but that opening line made me laugh. I've not even played FFXIV past the demo and I understood what you meant by that.

Great review, the demo just really didn't sell me on any of the cast and your further points only emphasize what I was feeling.

11 hrs ago

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