Love the art style, a wide variety of power ups and weapons and just a really solid rogue-lite

It's a decent rogue like, love the art style and the build variety was also pretty nice

It's probably due to me not playing much but every run felt pretty much the same, the same 3-4 guns 2 melee weapons and constantly the same few upgrades so I just gave up

Spawned in, got chased by bandits, rescued by the local bartender, beaten by said bartenders goons, slavers came by while I was in a recovery coma, enslaved, escaped, got beaten and enslaved by the holy nation, escaped, saved beep, we both died to a gorillo
good game

Kenshi but top down

The game is great (if you aren't a stupid fuck like me) it allows you to do pretty much anything you can think of and it's absolutely hilarious

I mean I for sure am too fucking stupid to play this game but hey if you can figure out how it works there's essentially no limits

Still nothing really special but a major upgrade from the first game regardless

Solid enough, its fun the first few times you play it but that's about it

It's quite a unique game surprisingly enough, its sort of a immersive sim mixed with a rogue-like.

The gameplay loop is simple enough but all the different characters, random events and even the npcs having gang wars, robbing and helll even enslaving each other really makes it out

It's just a really charming idle game that unlike some other games does not take 3 years of active play to complete it

It just felt like a like a poorly made vampire survivor-esque spin off, the game starts extremely slow with practically no weapon variety and only a single character, the upgrades feel boring as all of them are purely stat upgrades with the exceptions of overclocks which from what I've played felt like I was only getting 1 per run and just not much replayability in general.

Incredibly fun in both single and multiplayer, the hub is pretty big but actually has fun stuff do in it, none of the missions are in my opinion particularly just straight bad tho some of them can get tedious at times due to the random cave generation.

On top of that all the dlcs are purely cosmetics, and the battlepass is completely free with again only cosmetics.

Oddly addicting, the story just as cryptic as the last one but still good, overall an improvement from the last one