If you can get past certain character designs i believe you'll find an amazing cast of characters, a great world to explore and some of the best music this series has to offer.

While the game has some "comedic" scenes on it's first few chapters (mainly chapters 2 and 4) that might turn away players, the overall tone of the game unlike it's bright visuals it's actually somewhat dark dealing with war, death and grief, something that 3 would follow up with some darker visuals to go along side it this time.

The cast on both sides is amazing, Rex, Pyra, Nia, Morag and Zeke along side their blades are all great to be around and have some great stories to follow, the only exception being Tora who's the weak link in my opinion, being an Otaku-like character that doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the cast.

On the villains side i think the main trio, Amalthus, Jin and Malos are the best the series ever had, all "victim's" of the worst of humanity, even if their acts are not justifiable, they're
easy to empathize and see how they ended up this way, Jin specially.

My main complaints with the game would be some pacing issues, the weird character designs and how terrible the menus can be, no game should force you to open menus every 10 minutes because of a blade's affinity or merc' mission.

Objectively this game is not a 5/5 but it's one of my favorites and think it deserver some more love.