Very highly enjoyable game of mixing and mashing games from the 80s. Every 5 or so seconds the enemies and your player shift as well as the game mechanics. Highly recommended.

Pretentious, was the first real Pico-8 game to make me interested in the system though.

Was fun on my DS. Despite this having better gameplay I liked Knytt better.

Extremely competent for a game made as a shitpost. Very tight level design and mechanics. Some of the most simple yet effective music I've ever heard. And it does everything Cat Planet does but better.


I feel so bad for Howard Scott Warshaw.


This game is so fucking innovative I'll have to write a fucking 40 paragraph essay on it in the future but for now I'm just putting my rating.

Edit: I've completed the abandoned build but not 1.0 so I'll do that first.

Yeah I'm sorry THIS is my favorite Smash Bros.

This was the first sourcemod I ever installed! It's still the genuinely best way to play MP 007 to this day imo!

Legendary hack, it's aged a bit in some areas but its still tight and fun and near perfect.