i have more hours in this game than breath of the wild...

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the only game where a sentient penis and jesus christ can be voted on to see which one would win in a fight

On my first playthrough of BOTW, not too long ago.. at the very end of the game i had a question

"Is this a Masterpiece?...."

Ultimately i came to decide that botw was not a masterpiece, when i confronted the final(and pretty underwhelming) boss of the game.
But i mean, that was really the main thing holding the game back, other than a few minor things.

Today a similar question popped in my head as i was heading into TOTK's final boss

"Is this one of my favorite games of all time?..."

See i knew this game was a masterpiece from the get go. A game were the sky truly is the limit. A game that offers so much freedom to the player and lets them legit do ANYTHING. Making the stupidest, wackiest , GINORMOUS game to ever be put on the switch.

But i didnt know if i considered it an all timer.
I definitely had a few nitpicks with it.
For a game as big as this one i felt like it needed a few moments where the scope wasn't as big and i could do some more calm missions or side quests. While there certainly are some quest that are more calm and small in scipe than others, it feels like i always have to move mountains when doing quests.
I also still dont like the durability system, but its atleast a bit better with the fuse. The game seems to love hiding armor sets and good weapons all over this humongous map. And the main objective of going to the SAME 4 places to do the same four things really got repetitive, especially when i figured out we had to do it for a FIFTH TIME.
The depths also seemed so daunting of a task to map out with me having to go to every shrine just os i could even explore the place.

But these were minor gripes to me, they all seemed to be this way by design. So as i walked in to that final boss battle, it kinda felt like everything was on it to make this game truly amazing for me

My god did it not disappoint.

Thank god this game went for an ACTUAL villian with ACTUAL goals and not just a pile of goo with robot parts with no real character behind it.

Ganondorf is such a badass mofo who tears shit up in a fantastic final battle.

The build up for this fight was amazing too!i mean after hearing about imprisoning war 4 times with no difference in the story at all i was ready to see what all the hype was around and man it delivered.

Grabbing Zelda at the very end felt so rewarding and made all the obstacles i had faced even more worth it.

With that being said, i do think this is an all timer, now to start playing another contender! :)

I feel like this was an amazing introduction to the resident evil series and ill for sure look into playing more of them. As for this one, the combat in this game feels buttery smooth and you feel like a complete badass mowing down enemies. It kinda falters in the story department but i really dont need a masterpiece in storytelling to enjoy this since its perfectly fine as is, though maybe a bit more explanation here and there wouldve gone a long way.
Overall I found this game incredibly fun and it was a nice way to start playing on my ps5!

its re4 combat. therefore, its pretty damn fucking good!!

adding a half star finally because its been pestering my mind and at this point its very clear to me that i love this game. Also the shooting range remix alone is worth another half star so...... yeah MASTAPIECE!!!

not a bad start by any means. If anything this feels like its laying the groundwork for whats to come. Onto chapter 2!

Epic Pizza Time 2: The Power of Goo!

Toby has consistently made the most engaging rpgs ive ever played . Honestly bro is COOKING!!!!!

a published, broadcast, or recorded work that continues the story or develops the theme of an earlier one

and people say overwatch 2 is the most disappointing sequel!