i fucking love this game holy shit - impeccable vibes

absolutely hated everyone in this game lmao how can you make both love interests and the protagonist so annoying and in different ways

i wanted to murder 80% off the cast, which only proves this is the best office simulator ever made

the gameplay is actually pretty good tho, even if a bit repetitive, and the art SLAPS i wish we had more games in this style it's rly cute

vibes: 3/5
story: 4/5 SO MUCH OFFICE DRAMA i would have offed myself if i actually worked in place like this lmao
gameplay: 4/5

the art is pretty neat (i love everything monster/halloween themed) but ngl the game felt soulless - the navigation is super clunky, the text is formatted weirdly, and all the mechanics explanations or characters presentation was mega rushed so idk, not going to play this one much

this game made me realize that being an only child is good, actually

don't even talk to me if you have something bad to say about this game, in this house we stan DDS

the game art is so so so cute but it's SO stressful lmao

vibes: 5/5 i want to be alice
story: 3/5 generic ass lore but it's appropriate for the game i guess
difficulty: 5/5 absolutely hectic do NOT make your farming plots big you WILL regret it within five in-game days
gameplay: 3/5

back in my day it wasn't the HD version but whatever - i think this one is one of the most enjoyable and good-looking from the series, although all of the sally games slap

vibes: 3/5
story: 3/5 (all of the games are just generic af but it's ok)
difficulty: 1/5 (honestly you need to really try to game over in this game)
gameplay: 4/5

one of my favorite games from this era

it's very cute and i like the art a lot (although it's MEGA dated now), even if the stages are just spam-clicking and being annoyed nonstop by impatient customers - i just think the idea of making potions to serve very cozy

vibes: 5/5
story: 2/5
difficulty: 2/5
gameplay: 4/5
replayability: 0/5 (unless you want to beat your highscores)

funny and cute and not afraid to be utterly silly

sure is a game - i think i like it more as meme and cultural impact media than as an actual game lol

maybe im just too dumb for this

once you learn how to not die, the game gets fun - and then it ends. not much replayability since the exploration is very linear