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2 days

Last played

March 29, 2023

First played

October 19, 2022

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I hate stealth games. Most of the time I find them tense, tedious and just unenjoyable. However, I played the first Plague Tale through because it was leaving Game Pass last year and a friend told me I should check it out. I'm so glad that I did because it was such a great experience!

Fast forward to Requiem and I had high hopes for it and it definitely delivered! The game basically takes everything that made the first game great and enhanced it.

Stealth areas are bigger. There are more enemy types. Huge scale puzzles. Bigger characters with a lot of depth and great voice work. Fun parts of exploration. And of course, SUPER OVER THE TOP RAT SEQUENCES! It's the whole package.

The story picks up where the first left off and it keeps building to so many huge moments. It's almost a sci-fi meets fantasy type story that I'm not sure I have experienced before.

This is a game though that is just down right oppressive. There is hardly any joy in it and I could only play a mission a night when I had the chance because some missions I would finish and just feel awful.

Now, I knocked off a star for this game because of the optimization. I started this game when it came out in 2022 on Game Pass. I downloaded it on my PC and I was able to enjoy the first couple of levels but then the real chugging/lagging began.

I refused to play this game at lower than 60 fps. Call me a snob, but I couldn't do it. I actually uninstalled it and waited till I got a new PC recently to play through it (I was already planning on getting a new PC anyway, so not a huge deal).

However, the point of all this is that this game is not very well optimized unless you have a master PC. It's 30 fps on Series X and PS5 and on older PCs, it's just below 60 no matter how much you fiddle with the settings. I even put them at their lowest potato settings and it was still hitting maybe 50.

Anyway, amazing game. It's oppressive at times. It's wonderous at times. It's gorgeous, even if that comes at the sacrifice of bad optimization. It made me cry. Full Rec from me.