I've been playing the 2D Sonic games since I was a kid with the Genesis and the Game Gear and I think Sonic Mania is the best of them all!

The game incorporates levels from all the past Genesis games and kind of does a "best of" mixed with a few new levels and worlds. You may start in a level and it all feels familiar but then it changes a bit from what you remember. You could say it's been remixed and that's kind of the theme in this game. It's everything you already love about the franchise but it's been remixed and improved. The levels, the moves, the characters, the enemies... everything you remember is here but it's either improved or made to a grander scale. All the while, it plays in glorious widescreen and looks gorgeous and colorful!

One of the stand out new worlds is Studiopolis Zone, which puts Sonic and crew into a movie/tv studio type setting, which, as odd as it sounds, seems to fit right in.

The game has also kept a lot of the music I like from the past games (which I still find myself humming now and then) and includes, you guessed it, remixed versions of them.

One critique I will give the game is that a couple of the bosses didn't seem to fit too well with the Sonic flow of things. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed this game.

Just as a bonus, I wanted to point out how much I like the art style for the opening cinematic too. It's VERY 90s Sonic and that is all that matters.

I really hope we get a sequel to this soon!

There's no story or real point to the game besides cleaning some old dirty stuff. Despite this, I find it super relaxing and finished it over the course of 6 months. Whenever I just felt the need to chill out and not sink myself into a narrative of another game, this was the comfort game I went to.

I only knocked off half a star besides some times there were some very annoying spots to try to clean. This would harsh my good vibes at times. Other than that, I still bounce in for the DLC when it comes out. I love it!

Miles Morales a fun, polished game, but I feel the first Spider-Man is a better game over all. This one features virtually the same gameplay plus one new feature "Venom" and almost no interesting super villains to fight (Rhino, plus one new one that I'm sure most will not care about much). The story and characters are really what kept this one going for me. This really felt more like a side story to the first game, maybe a HUGE DLC or something of that ilk. Luckily, I really like the first game, so I didn't mind playing more of it.