88 reviews liked by REPDETECT

Yea I hate Destiny 2, it's my favorite game

Since I'm probably one of the only people to have ever played this game, I'll write a quick review of it.
This is a point-and-click adventure game where the protagonist gets transported from the real world into a fantasy world (where have I heard that one before?) Apparently it's based on a book that I have never read so I can't comment on it's quality as an adaptation. Overall I'd say it's an alright game, the writing is decent and it can be pretty funny at times. Gameplay wasn't anything special, pretty typical point and click stuff. It's been many years since I've played it so I may have just been a stupid kid but I recall the game being extremely obtuse at times which was frustrating.

A very beautiful game to look at, and it is fun idea playing both sides of the conflict. Unfortunately the game is incredibly boring. I started it in May 2023 and it took me nearly a year to force myself to finish it to get it out of my "Playing" list.

There was also a potential game breaking bug in one of the early missions that stops most people's playthroughs. I was actually disappointed when I found a way around it and was able to continue.

fun stuff and very cool presentation but suffers from an extreme identity crisis.

not at all a flight sim, but not a cool arcade-y on rails star fox sorta game either. its fun flying around and shooting stuff, controls feel great, but it doesn't really hone in on a niche.

the story has some neat characters and fun interactions and some very fun set pieces but its basically just an elaborate tutorial for a dead pointless multiplayer mode.

what's here is cool for what it is but the whole product feels like such an afterthought

Some good times here, but man those controls...

Honestly not much more to be said about this game that hasn't already been said. Truly one of the most unique gaming experiences of the PS2 generation. The fights really manage to capture the scale of the colossi you fight and each manages to be unique and memorable in their own ways. Highly recommend anyone interested in this game check it out, its a must play in my opinion.

Every now and then I think about how for a certain crowd of people, Spec Ops: The Line has grown out of favor and gotten a reputation of pretension, but this game is still viewed as an artsy masterpiece, despite them essentially doing the same thing.


5 stars, I like them both.

A fantastic remaster of a game I really love. Pure old school Star Wars fun.

I have a history with this game. Back when I was around 13, and just starting to learn English at school, we had a special class that let us use the PC Lab. On there, we took some tests during the last hour class and if we completed the test quickly, we were allowed to play the games that came pre-installed on the PC.

One of those games, was the Demo version of Dark Forces that included only the first level. I must have played that demo hundred of times. I must have explored ever nook and cranny of that level and found every secret. Up to this day I know that level like the palm of my hand.

Now, almost 24 years I was finally able to buy and complete the full game. And it was a fun and amazing as my younger self imagined it to be.

The game is not without its quirks, and the level design is totally 90's style of design (meaning, sometimes is incredible obtuse and completing a puzzle is something a matter of luck), but the pace, the action and everything else is still fantastic. I can only assume it was even more amazing back then.

Many years later, I finally beat this game, and the wait was worth it.

Not a review just taking this out of rotation for now. I enjoyed what I played of it, so atmospheric and otherworldly in a way the original Doom games weren't. Enemy variety was kind of lacking. Some of the later levels got a little too heavy with the puzzles. Last one I remember playing had a Shell Game that would spawn in enemies if I picked the wrong one, and I just started quicksaving + quickloading and I still don't think I ever picked the right one so I have to wonder what I was doing wrong. Idk just not the kinda game I want to play at the moment but I love every other Doom game so I'll definitely pick this back up at some point and give a full writeup