Rhythm-based spectacle fighter with a thematically sound presentation and stellar aesthetics. It has a great OST and some particularly good licensed tracks for boss fights and important moments.

The game is well-paced and introduces interesting new mechanics as you settle into what you've already been given, while not punishing you for not keeping on the beat if you're not musically inclined. You'll do better with a better rhythm, of course.

2D Arcade Shooter similar to Luftrausers, but tuned to hell and back with a few interesting changes. Controls are good, music is great, and the story is alright.

It's an arcade jet fighter with a something like a fucking parry mechanic. Come on.

Terrible in a particularly unique way. The graphics are nearly illegible and your character walks as if he's not particularly committed to the physical therapy after the car accident that stole his wife from him.

There is very little instruction. It's a real-time combat thing which usually boils down to keeping a shield up and using everything as it comes off cooldown. The aesthetics do not help the mechanics become more interesting.

It was a few dollars for a joke. Not terrible if you've skipped a check-out line candy bar purchase.

Monster Hunter Anime with a series of intricate systems that I didn't feel compelled to reach. The multiplayer is dysfunctional and the game itself is poorly optimized.

In the end, it's you and the fella in front of you in a mechanically interesting fighting game with an entirely frustrating rest of the game built around it.

Play with friends. It helps, or you'll all settle into endless bitching about this and that and retire to go like, I dunno, take up gardening or something.

It has held my attention for a long time because I am a stubborn fuck that refuses to stop learning and apparently I like getting kicked in the face by the countless characters with stun-bashes in their kits. You can dodge them, I promise.

I beat the game in about an hour and some change. If you've got a grasp of movement shooters and roguelike build-making, you'll give this game the what-for.

You melee to get ammo, use a rifle to build rage, use rage to get health and ammo, along with a temporary speed and damage bonus. There are shops that allow you a choice of one of three upgrades and another bonus thing each completed "room."

You get a timer that says "hey fucko you get to keep fighting enemies until this is up, after which you fight a big demon thing that spews bullets like that one drunk uncle with a pistol on new years that ignored the warnings on the news."

Pretty solid, but not worth the price unless you like chasing a high score or taking a power trip. I hope you like grey and red.

Very delicious roguelike game with one of the best resource management systems I've seen. You get two types of "damage," one that heals you and hurts the enemy, and vice versa. But, you get bonus actions for dropping below thresholds of health.

Your actions are your dice, but this diminishes the abstraction distance between roguelike and the gambling of your time with which is inherent to the genre. You can fuck around with the sides of each die or get pre-made ones here and there. Aesthetics are very blue. Music is sort of FF Tactics.

Good stuff, but you might get your cock stapled to your forehead by god as punishment for your hubris sometimes.

Please remake this and put it on PC.

The addition of Co-op with goofy bullshit to MGS made for one of my best gaming experiences ever. There's two-player co-op for the entire campaign, with four players for bosses.

Friendly fire is a default thing, so you can tranq your buddies.

Also, the story is good but this was my first MGS game so damn I was confused.

Slow-paced exploration... documentation thing. You catch creatures in an endless marsh to restore constellations to the sky. There's a good few distractions in each biome, little puzzles to be solved with item-environment interactions. It's a cute, relaxing game with some tedium built in as you chase the last little things on the list.

I'm a sucker for good rhythm games, and this one fits the mold. Rhythm Strategy War thing with RPG mechanics for your little fellas. Good music, cool builds, weird minigames, and a multiplayer thing I never really got to do because I was the only kid in a fifty mile radius with a goddamned Playstation Portable.

I also played the demo for approximately more than eighty hours.