A solid RPG that absorbs for hours with its playability. A mass of great solutions and mechanisms. Still underdeveloped, but you can see the potential of becoming a brilliant game.

More developed than the previous part. It represents for me a perfect example of a sandbox RPG. Sure, it has its flaws, but I can forgive this game everything.

It has many bugs and glitches and I know why many people just call it a big mod, but setting the game in this period added to its charm and freshness making it very enjoyable to play.

Very solid gameplay combined with interesting realities and nice graphics.


Nostalgia does its thing, but I'm pretty sure that if I played it years later I'd dislike it.

I have to praise Avalanche Software, because it's a seriously good racer based on a movie that wasn't graceful material.

A short but polished expansion of what was in the game based on the second movie. I got exactly what I wanted, so I can forgive the various shortcomings.

Here even nostalgia won't work much, because I simply know that it was almost the same as the first game.

One of the best party games. Very accessible and enjoyable.

This is not a game, this is an experience and a powerful one at that. The subject matter is handled very well. Many thanks to 11 bit studios for creating a game that could've been a major failure due to its topic, but managed to deliver an unforgettable experience.

For what it is, I think it's quite fulfilling.

Mechanics and storytelling are really good, but it has problems with the artificial intelligence. However, I don't regret taking the time to play it.

I played it before it was changed into a free-to-play model, so I don't know how much it has changed since then, but I really liked it and I have fond memories of playing matches with my friends.

Unique aesthetic and enjoyable gameplay.

Admittedly, I enjoyed playing the game and it has a few pluses, but there's no denying that the graphics are average, it has a lot of bugs and missions can't be finished in a couple of ways.