Back in 1999 this game already wasn't any good. And even more so now. Absolutely idiotic story and gameplay that makes the whole thing unplayable. My hatred for Quantic Dream and David Cage begins here.

Poor and underdeveloped, but that shouldn't be surprising since we are talking about a clone of Uncharted. But at least it's funny, so if someone wants to have a few laughs, I recommend it.

More of a game to try once and only out of curiosity than something really noteworthy, but together with friends it is quite enjoyable and makes nice use of PlayLink.

A difficult relationship. It is demanding (sometimes I think too much), but it does some things really well. But that Werehog... Easily the worst part of the game.

Story-wise, it may be okay at best, but for a spin-off being a fighting game, there's plenty of content here, and as a Persona fan, I was pleased.

Technically a nightmare, and plot-wise a decent job. It has its moments, which it defends itself with, but it lacks innovation and polish.

Are RTS levels one of the best things in the history of LEGO games? Yes and I don't want to hear any objections. Besides, Clone Wars overall had a lot of good stuff in it.

Not all the mechanics are good, but with how much gameplay has been changed here, we finally have a LEGO game that stands out. And it's also a beautiful tribute to Star Wars.

You can feel the atmosphere of the movies in the game, and there is still a lot of charm known from the LEGO games.

A case of Lord of the Rings meaning taking a wonderful brand and making a wonderful game with it. On top of that, suddenly this fourth part somehow got good! Definitely one of the best LEGO games.

Not surprisingly, a LEGO game taking on a brand as wonderful as LotR is as wonderful as it gets. Great open world and good gameplay. I'd love to go back to it.

Big and full of easter eggs open world, decent side missions, variety of characters and improved flying system. But the story... Yeah, it was average. Still, it's absurd how much time I have spent with this game as a child. Actually, maybe it's not that weird since this was everything that a LEGO and Marvel fan could've asked for back then.

I don't know if it was a matter of rushing or anything else, but why couldn't a trilogy game have been made? It wouldn't have improved much, but still... Overall, a massive disappointment after Lego Lord of the Rings.

Inferior in many ways to Super Heroes, and doesn't add much from itself. Better to go through the previous installment again.

It has its minor flaws (and even bigger ones when it comes to the PC version), but it's still one of the best LEGO games and should serve as a model for others in the series.