Quite hard to pull off, but it worked. And maybe I'm saying that without having a knowledge of ,,Bloodborne", but let's just say that I really like kart racers and ,,Nightmare Kart" delivered in that aspect. Especially since it's a small, free game. Campaign is diverse and the whole art style looks beautiful (and even more importantly, it's clear where you're going). Maybe I understood nothing from the story, but that doesn't change the fact that I enjoyed those two hours.

Thank you Tango Gameworks for this gem. It's one of those games that I will cherish, because it was a lot of fun. I was glad to be part of this grand adventure with those likeable characters that felt like family by the end of the game.

It's a unique, hilarious and great looking experience. And while there are numerous inspirations and references, ,,Hi-Fi Rush" doesn't feel like a copy. It's rather a clever blend of many great elements. Also, I'm just glad to have a game that is so similar to ,,Jet Set Radio". Another factor working in the game's favor is its style and length. Photorealistic approach to graphics and open worlds filled with too much stuff is something that I see too often, Meanwhile, Tango's game is suddenly fresh despite so many obvious inspirations.

Overall, I loved the rhythmic gameplay, beautiful art style and simple, but quite charming story.

As a simple beat up, it's kinda alright. But when it tries to be an adventure game, it suddenly becomes a terribly annoying and poorly designed game.

It's pretty and enjoyable, but basically quite shallow. In fact, it only has this audiovisual layer to offer, because plot-wise and gameplay-wise it doesn't stand out.

So what if the gameplay is solid if you have to go through the same levels for the tenth time. Repetitiveness kills any enjoyment of the game.

One of the best survival horror movies ever made, and a accurate representation of what can be done with this franchise in the gaming medium.

I told myself that the spin-off wouldn't have so much to offer. Meanwhile, I got a beautiful adventure lasting several dozen hours. Persona does not disappoint.

The game, which was already phenomenal, became even better by some miracle. A complete experience. Both in terms of gameplay and storyline. I'm happy that this game appeared in my life at perfect time.

I remember when I tried it, because of the Game Awards nomination and I wanted to see why so many people were attracted to it. I thought that it looked pretty, but I was bored with the gameplay after 5 hours and never returned to it.

Short and can be finished by mashing one combo.

David Cage shows for the third time what a tragic director, writer and designer he is. Tragic plot and annoying gameplay.

Schematic missions are rewarded with a great style, interesting story, atmosphere, music and original game concept. Worth giving a chance.

First of all, it suffers through a mediocre script. Besides, it's a surprisingly boring sandbox despite its size and pretty graphics.

It's... ok. It's certainly a big progression looking at Cage's work, but we're still talking about a problematic game with flaws.

At one time it can have really good ideas, and at the same time such that you feel like you want to kill the creators.