Unlikely I'll finish this, strange since I finish pretty much every game I play. I got really frustrated near the end with a lack of directions and having to fight three damagesponge behemoths in a row, who knows maybe I'll return and update the review.

This game sucks I don't get the following it has. I can't speak for other FFs being better because this is the only one I've played far into, but it's just so bland. The party members are super bland and usually die five minutes after you get them (and then unceremoniessly come back another five minutes later) aside from the main character who has a little bit of an arc I guess and I don't know I guess Kain was a little cool. The story is kind of a basic rebellion thing that didn't invest me, and the combat is kinda whatever. Time-based battles was a new idea I'm glad this game influenced the growth of those, but man spellcasters are just so awful in this game that it feels like most battles are just me mashing attack, especially when at some points you have two or more spell casters. Their attacks miss most of the time so you can't do chip damage, spells that aren't weaknesses barely do anything or heal the enemy, most status spells flat-out do not work 90% of the time, and trying to scan the enemy for their weakness... Usually misses! This game just really does not have much going for it, how a lot of people consider this one of the best in the series is beyond me.

Reviewed on Apr 25, 2021


3 years ago

Idk man, the game wasn't difficult imo until much later. Like, the final 2 areas can be pretty difficult and did require quite a bit of grinding, but I still think that the gameplay was pretty good for its time. I still really enjoyed the characters and story and at the end of the day, that's what these games are mostly about, I feel. So if you didn't like the characters/story then, oh well. (Played the PSP version btw)

3 years ago

I don't really think it's very hard I just think it's annoying. But yeah, the boring story is definitely the main issue for me.