91 reviews liked by Rafayel

Minha raiva com esse jogo é imensa

Decent atmosphere and buildup that gets ruined by a fairly bad ending

This is an absolute masterpiece.

With this one, I guess we are back in the era of free-to-play Cod clones like Warface...
I wasn't expecting much, but the unsatisfying movement, terrible feeling of delayed hit registration, which I guess is a feature as it even occurs on the training map and only some basic weapon choices made the experience not worth it for me.
I give it 3/10, because after playing it a bit more, I can see it as an okay time waster, but there are better shooters out there for me to play right now.

The atmosphere, gameplay, and story were so good, I enjoyed it, especially the guns and the colors of the game. 10/10

You know, I used to be one of this game's biggest haters. I love classic Splinter Cell like no one else, so seeing the gameplay being buchered like this was painful. However, once you accept this isn't an actual Splinter Cell game, you realize there's a pretty good actiong game underneath. Graphics and setting still hold up (as with every game in the franchise) and the mark and execute system is fucking awesome no matter how you look at it.

Also, last time I tried to play it I hadn't played Double Agent, so I didn't really care about the story. Now that I did I can see it's a pretty good continuation. Double Agent ends with things going to hell so it makes sense this game does things the way it does.

That said, I still think it's the weakest of the franchise. I replay the original trilogy like once a year, but I don't really feel like replaying this one, like, ever.

(Series X/4K/30fps)

A dull and clunky retelling of the novel that had the unfortunate timing of releasing shortly after Wolfenstein 3D and instantly felt outdated as a result.