Played halfway through when it released and finished today. I cant believe that in 2023 the game is still buggy, and the city, despite it's density, is still empty. If it didn't have a strong narrative it would be genuinely awful. 5/10

Most original 2d Mario in forever. 9/10

Perfect dopamine game. 6.5/10

Stunning score, gorgeous sprite art, and probably the best story of any game in 1994. My only problem, and maybe its just because I wasn't born in the 80's, but I found the grinding of the game to be too grueling and it detracted from my enjoyment. 9/10

My favorite vr game of all time, made all my friends get vr to play this. TTT in 2020 was the best. 10/10

Amazing, took a little to get into but loved it.

Crushing is legitimately awful.

Improved in every way from the original even, playing on crushing was actually fun instead of torturous like the last game.

More spectacle than the previous games, but the gameplay is not as tight as 2 for some reason. 8/10

Playing bedwars with friends was the only fun part about this game. Maybe if I had a artistic bone in my body it would have been more fun. 6/10

Beat it on a lost bet. 2/10

Without mods its probably a 7.

Really fun once you learn how to play. 7/10

Once you get the mechanics down, its not that hard, just kind of tedious. 6/10