The Talos Principle Road to Gehenna reminds me alot of classic map packs. There are no new characters to mess around with nor new gimmicks nor is it even a stopgap between the main game and a sequel. The game adds no new mechanics and simply reuses all of the base puzzle tools. There are also very few new assets with all the world themes being the same as the base game. The game therefore uses its toolkit to its fullest to craft puzzles even harder then that of the original game. Every puzzle here is harder then the hardest puzzles of the base game; where the base game feels like a tutorial for this DLC. With much of the bullshit waiting on recorders cut out. The stars are also much better integrated into the puzzles with only 10 or 16 being required for the best ending allowing the player to pick and choose. The Talos Principle and this DLC show that with a careful touch and proper design sense even the most worn out mechanics can be taken farther then other more comparatively high concept puzzle games.

The story is also told here more subtlety with the focus placed on life inside the simulation rather then the purpose of the simulation. There is faux message boards, ban happen mods, and mini text adventures.

The Talos Principle Road to Gehenna is what a dlc should be an improvement on an already great game.

Reviewed on Aug 04, 2021
