Ill admit I don't have the biggest love for Wario land 4. It is unique to be sure but it still carries that big, slow, and lumbering wario energy which doesn't gel well with the "hurry up" gimmick at all.

In contrast Pizza Tower is a game all about speed, it may infact be the speediest platformer ever made. Sonic may be fast but he isn't constantly trying to outrun a combo meter. Its like playing through a cartoon mixed with a soyjak meme. Its soundtrack is diverse and reminds me of the Sonic CD JP OST, and the whole experience is hyper then any action game since the wonderful 101.

A word of advice for anyone struggling with the controls you don't need to hold foreword when running so there is no need to do a thumb roll to activate a turn around or a super jump. Once I realized that nearly all of my misinput issues stopped.

Reviewed on Apr 13, 2023
