2 reviews liked by RailgunRaccoon

I once watched a stream of this game and now played it by myself and I gotta say: I dislike it.

I gotta say, I am not the biggest fan of the first game and I never got attached to Ellie and Joel. (they are very forgettable to me)

First the positive things:

The atmosphere is great. Spooky but not too spooky. The destroyed cities and other parts look absolutely beautiful. The graphcs and animations are amazing too, especially during the combat. The animations make the combat a lot of fun, melee is probably my favorite.

Now to the negatives: The whole story and pacing. NOTHING happens during the days and fact that you have to play as Abby and Ellie for 3 days is very annoying and it drags. Also the open world parts are way too long.
The story is the other problem. You are supposed to be attached to Ellie with the first game, they kill off a character in the beginning and you are supposed to feel something for Abby? Eh, not a fan of that. The ending is also very disappointing.

The conversation between Sandman and Spider-Man in SM3 is a better work about the cycle of violence and forgiveness than this whole game.