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AiriBan earned the Adored badge

1 day ago

ClearlyKumoko commented on AiriBan's review of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
I think you should have just built the build that let you not buy the dlc

2 days ago

AiriBan followed LeBigMac

2 days ago

ArdinDuece commented on AiriBan's review of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
its lookin a lot like Old Hunters remains at the top...

2 days ago

AiriBan commented on AiriBan's review of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
@APairofTimbs I've actually talked about this point quite extensively with my friends and yeah Fromsoft has this really big problem of constantly trying to 1-up themselves, Elden Ring being the biggest and also worst case of that. It feels like they're trying to make a Gael-level fight every major boss fight, which instead has the opposite effect making a lot of these bosses feel lame as fuck.
Also even outside of the obvious gimmick bosses you stated there are so many beloved bosses such as Pontiff, Abyss Watchers, Soul of Cinder, and Lothric, that rely heavily on gimmicks and because of that their fights are so notable and enjoyable. Elden Ring bosses for the most part seem like they just completely lack these defining gimmicks that give the bosses so much character and make them as memorable as they are, leading to them ending up as pretty w/e in my eyes.

@FrozenRoy @moschidae It's so funny because I don't even bring up difficulty outside of calling the consumables that stop you from dying instantly and let you deal actual damage kinda lame, fromsoft fans are just weird about difficulty for some reason. Like I adore difficult bosses, this boss for example probably took me around 10 hours of attempts to finally beat and I loved every second of it. Difficulty in boss design can be extremely fun, the problem stems from these bosses not being fun to fight.

2 days ago

AiriBan followed Clyssa

2 days ago

AiriBan commented on AiriBan's review of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
@GabrieldoCafe idk if you're intentionally being obtuse but calling the bosses "unhittable crackheads" was using exaggeration to say that they move around way too much (mostly in reference to the lion boss who you have to constantly chase down), and making the reference to mashing was obviously talking about how long their combo strings last, which I mention multiple times, why do I have to explain this?

Also idk why you keep trying to circle back to difficulty and the game being "too hard for u" when I've already stated that difficulty isn't the issue and it's the boss design itself. The majority of bosses boiling down to long combo strings with few other defining aspects outside of their desperation attacks is boring. Stop trying to make it about difficulty when that's clearly not what I'm talking about.
You also hard contradicted yourself by saying "my argument wasnt that they are bad at the game and thats why they dont like it" into "If your complaint about ER boss design is that the bosses "attack too much" and have "too long combos" and are "unhittable" you are literally just complaining about the game being too hard for you to enjoy it" lmao. Stop being weird.

2 days ago

AiriBan completed Bad Piggies

3 days ago

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