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DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 2 in one summary of experiences I've seen:

You either love it or hate it.

And for me I mostly love it, let's get into why

Gameplay: Admittedly, this is definitely easy compared to what we got in TAG 1 and even in the base-game in some sections. They did buff it up with a couple of updates after and it did become a little bit harder but other than that it's not that bad. Difficulty 7/10

They added a group of new enemies (mostly new fodder)

Screecher Zombie - Probably the laziest new addition to the game. I find these guys mostly tedious as hell but I will admit they do force me to be a little more cautious with stuff like breaking weakpoints, sticky bombs and rockets etc. Overall I just find the enemy mediocre 5/10

Riot Soldier - These guys don't add much to the game but of course they are the homage of Heavy Weapons Dude from DOOM II and are really cool. Overall a 7.5/10 (Wish they were in base game at the start first)

Stone Imp - These guys are kind of annoying depending on who you ask. Most players don't use Full Auto so having to use it to get rid of the enemy quicker seems tedious, for me it isn't a problem I'll do it with Full Auto or just chainsaw them (or quickswitch) Overall they aren't anything special but aren't as bland as the Screecher Zombie 6.5/10

Cursed Prowler - I'll admit, I actually like this new enemy. It's sort of bland just like the stone imp but it's an enemy you have to be on the lookout for which is something I love (Archvile's, Spirits, Blood Makyrs). And when you get hit the intensity turns up so fast. Overall 8/10

Armored Baron - Absolutely love this new enemy, you can take it out in many different ways and the overall design is sick as hell. If you don't like the Marauder this guy is like him but you also don't have to wait for a flash. He's definitely the coolest of TAG 2. Overall 9/10

Level Design: I really loved the level design in this DLC. I liked the puzzles even though they were easy. The Meathook points though are what really made this so good it's absolutely amazing and I wish they were in the base game too. Overall 8.5/10

Music: I think the music here is fine, not as memorable as base game or TAG 1 but holy shit does the Immora Heavy Fighting theme go so fucking hard. That alone makes this shit an 8/10

The Dark Lord - I have to admit I struggled with this boss on Nightmare for the first time due to his healing shenanigans. But after going back to him this boss fight is really redundant and a pretty disappointing end to Eternal. If only Covid didn't get in the way... overall 6.5/10

Artstyle and Atmosphere - This is such a beautiful way to end the game. The Earth was as colorful as you could imagine, the aftermath of Hell on Earth is what you'd expect. World Spear, Reclaimed Earth, and Immora all look insanely beautiful and have such beautiful colors. They really nailed the look of what I expected the end of the game to be (outside of Story) 10/10

Story: Yeah this is pretty disappointing to say the least. The Dark Lord is just DOOM Guy but in a buffed up suit and he's not even at full power btw. The end of the game was like some Marvel fight and I don't entirely hate it like some people do don't get me wrong, but it definitely wasn't in the same tone we got from 2016-Eternal Base-Game. The cinematics though were pretty beautiful. All in all I'm not very intrigued with the story but it wasn't painfully bad like some people think imo. Overall 6.5/10

DLC Overall 8/10
I don't think this could've been the best way the game ended but with what we got I can say I enjoyed it and the gameplay itself is good ol' Doomy Turnal that's easier than TAG 1 and Base Game.