Gameplay is more polished version of Human Revolution and this is great. You have many options to approach your target; hacking, augs (skills), stealth or just guns. Levels are designed to be this way so it never feels wrong. Story is very good. Concepts, dialogue, characters are interesting, Worldbuilding is incredible but sadly it's incomplete. In technical aspect the game feels rushed. Bad Optimization, long loading screens etc. But other than these problems this game rocks!

Struggling with physics, collisions and camera was annoying, and i think the story is boring except the final hours but still thanks to it's gameplay, art design, soundtrack and sound design i can definitely say that this was a good experience.

Amazing concept, gorgeous pixel art but frustrating combat.

Gameplay and maps are great but content is not enough and it has some technical problems

I love this game because of it's world, Skyrim feels like an endless game to me. If you travel from point a to point b you'll encounter so many great questlines and characters. Not only that the game supports this with it's worldbuilding npcs, books, notes, quests all of them creates Skyrims world in a wonderful way. But in the end this is a game so we need to talk about gameplay. Dungeons are okay, Combat is not the best that's for sure it's really hollow but you have variety and you can change your build easily so it becomes fun when it works. "When it works" is the key term in the sentence Skyrim is a masterpiece when it works but it generally doesn't. The game isn't finished so many things has been cut from this game and there are bugs everywhere. I praise it's world yes but there is a quantity over quality problem they're not detailed as previous entries. But in the end this is one of best Sandbox rpgs you can play (when it works).

I admit this game is not aged very well,actually it's almost unplayable but I still love it

Best video game experience I ever had after Disco Elysium.

If you enjoy playing NES games, then you will enjoy this too but if you don't, you should stay away from this game. So I'm enjoying playing NES games? No. I don't want to get started on that "NES library is full of unfair, hard, frustrating games" thing again so I'm just going to say it's true. But some popular games or hidden gems are actually fun and this is without a doubt one of those games. First of all sprites and music is just brilliant, this is one of the best-looking retro games that I've ever played. They created nice backgrounds by combining black with various colors. Controls aren't the best of course but it's fun and also there is a thing in this game that separates this from other NES games and that is the tiny frame before jumping, nowadays that is considered a mistake because it hurts responsiveness and while I definitely agree with it I think it worked great for this game and it would've worked great for other NES games because while that tiny frame happens, you can think strategies of how you will beat those unfair obstacles. Overall, with save states, this is a very fun game except for bosses of course...

I'm loging this because they changed the cover of Game of Yorha Edition, great game!

All playable characters in this game feels different and differences between them is not generic things even the two melee focused characters feels different. Basic sword attacks are fast and fluent. In addition to swords you have Pods. They can use special abilities like laser attack and shields also these things are your long rage weapons so yeah they're useful. Other mechanic is Bullet Hell style hacking. I'm not a fan of Bullet Hells and even i enjoyed hacking. Also if you explore the open world you can improve the combat system with the chips (special improvements) you found. So you definitely should do that. My only major problem with combat is that i don't feel like i have %100 control on these characters. Anyway this game is not great because of the gameplay. The special thing about NieR Automata is the story. It may look cliche before you played it but as you progress in the game and start learning about the world and characters you realize how unique and profound this game is. It tells an incredible tale about humanity and emotions even if you don't like the game overall i think most of you will love the story. And the great thing is it doesn't throw boring cutscenes to your face. It tells the story like a video game supposed to be and makes it so much easier to empathize with characters. In other aspects the graphics are great and trash at the same time. Art design is amazing but textures are incredibly bad. I don't think i need to talk about the music all of you know how great it is.

Also pc port is one of the worse i've ever seen and it may be the biggest problem with this game.

Driving is very comfortable, sounds are great, game looks gorgeous. Open World is well desinged and filled with activities to do. Even if you don't like cars or racing games give this game a chance it's on gamepass.

Gameplay rocks but it neither have enough content nor a decent sound design, in fact the sounds are probably one of the worst that I've ever seen. SvR was pretty bad too but at least we had music on them.

This Remaster fixes all gameplay flaws and make it so much better than original. Also newly added Remix puzzles are enjoyable i played original game for hours and i still enjoy the gameplay like it's first time thanks to the new additions.

New story content isn't perfect but it isn't bad either. They are decent additions don't get me wrong it just feels unfitting.

Story is bad but other than that this is an amazing game.