Basic character control is very nice, combat is fun and movement is fluent but opening doors, waiting for loading screens, unnecessary dialogues, etc cuts the game so much also there isn't any level design to support this character especially invisible walls, and pixel perfect jumps are big problems. Not only level design, but the game loop is also just straight up isn't fun backtracking, fetch quests, and playing the game over and over again...It's just disappointing to see from a vision like this. When I say vision I mean everything else, amazing world-building, loveable characters (to some extent) but the problem with the story is it has that jrpg quality dialogues and cliches I tolerate these things in other Jrpgs but it just doesn't work for game like this. And story aside, the storytelling is amazing just like NieR Automata, this game uses the powers of the medium for telling its story. Art Direction is great, the sounds, especially the music, are amazing, and the atmosphere is captivating so yeah I love everything about this game except the dialogue and the overall design which are two of the most important things in games for me. I was going to give it a 3/5 but now I had a great playlist thanks to this game so I'm going to give this one a 3.5.

A love letter to wrestling fans; story mode, gameplay, roster i love everything about it.

The animation is great as you might have heard, the level design is decent, and the gameplay...Stands on the better side of the NES/Famicom library but it has that cliche NES-era flaws. Still this is one of the few NES games that you can play without having a urge to kill yourself

A terrible remake, a terrible survivor-horror game but a decent action-horror game.

Gameplay is surprisingly good, even running feels great thanks to the well balanced acceleration and great animations. But content is...Weird. This is a fighting game but it has a "RPG" mode which is a combination of Diablo and Final Fantasy also roster isn't interesting or enjoyable to fight againts with the exception of Final Fantasy VII characters of course.

Action side of the combat is better than base game it plays like a mini devil may cry but there is no tactical side or controlable party members, story is great this time and now we have good voice acting. The other things are also great and we have Fort Condor! Overall this is an amazing expansion if you like original give this one a chance

Gameplay doesn't offer something more than a simple browser game but presentation etc. makes this game enjoyable.


Pretty short and sweet game, art feels like that soulless corporation art and the gameplay is mostly boring but story is fine. Games like this are the ones that I probably hate the most but I think this one is worth trying for the story and the celebration of the indian culture.

Rdr 2 is great but this is a disaster

The story is incredibly engaging but at the same time the game didn't aged perfectly, if you're okay with this go and play it.

This is my favorite game in the series and there is no actual reason behind it tbh.

Dark Souls has many flaws, so when i first played it i just complain and complain but after the credits roll my whole opinion for video games changed. I understand that games are not about pros and cons it's about your journey. The game starts with hopelessness, you're in a jail just waiting there and suddenly with the help of someone you break out and start exploring this dark world and you encounter the first boss, at first you can't defeat it so you ran away. After some time you return with better equipment and more tactical entrance and kick its ass. The game teaches the importance of exploration and learning. So you start exploring this beautifully designed, connected world and the game begins. In Dark Souls you will die, get lost, meet other wanderers, get betrayed, get mad, encounter some of the most irritating mobs in gaming but in the end you'll experience one of the most rewarding and fascinating games of all time.

With the exception of enemy behaviour and technical difficulties this is a perfect game.

I played the NES version back when I thought them as 'good for their times but near unplayable for today', over the years my opinion changed. Yes most of them were too frustrating to play but I also played fun games like Batman (1989), Moon Crystal, Kirby's Adventure, etc and I always thought about this game because at that time it didn't felt right to me. Slippery controls, weird momentum, bad enemy placements, water levels that are literal torture, etc. but after playing some NES games that are actually fun I knew that I had to give this game one more chance but of course, I postponed it again and again and again. Recently I was looking into my SNES backlog and I saw the All Stars and started this game right away. I still think those things that I didn't like are still present in this game but this time I loved it because I saw the harmony in the game. What I'm trying to say is on paper this game has a lot of flaws but everything works great with each other. I can't say it works perfectly because I still think water levels and enemy placements are shit but other than that everything works just fine in a magical way and believe me when I say 'magical' I mean it, as a person who avoids using labels I just can't think of any other word that can describe this game better than magical.

Incredible story, characters and atmosphere if you love crpgs you should give this masterpiece a chance