4 reviews liked by RealFabs

Never have I ever felt happier to sacrifice a child on my bike ride to the goal line than in this game!

Some maps were actually super amazing, while others lacked quality. But I guess that's to be assumed in a game where the maps are user generated.

Codenames is the perfect party game for you and your friends during a discord call and will always show you, how dumb or smart you all can be.

The game is explained pretty simply. There are 25 cards, with some of them belonging to the red team and some belonging to the blue team, but only the spymasters of each team know which ones are which and have to give little hints towards these words. For example, you have the words "Church" and "Priest", so you could give a hint like: "Religion 2" and then it's up to the operatives to guess which words were meant. After successfully or not successfully guessing, it's the other team's turn and this process repeats until either one team got all their words or the operatives accidentally turn around the black card, which will automatically let the team that finds it, lose.

Teamwork is important, and it's best played with friends. Nevertheless, it can always lead to very interesting and funny situations.

This port of Half-Life just feels off in some ways. You get the old clunky models and levels, but then you have comparatively hyperrealistic water and particle effects, a kind of realistic flashlight and a working physics engine. These elements somewhat clash with each other.
Also, this port does have a lot of bugs and glitches that the original did not have.

If you want to experience Half-Life 1, I either recommend you the original GoldSrc Release of Half-Life 1 or the Black Mesa Remake, if you want an enhanced version of the game.

I came a bit late to the party and only played it a year after the initial release, because I was afraid that the huge fandom behind this game was just overhyping it.

I loved some of the concepts, that I can't really talk about here, because they would go into spoiler territory, and if you've yet to experience this game, I don't want to ruin that for you! Let met just tell you, that I absolutely loved the characters, the story telling and the amazing banger soundtrack.

The only reason I'm not giving this game a 5 star review, is because I think that Deltarune even improved a lot on everything.