Totally respect what it's doing from a storytelling perspective but the gameplay is not it. The puzzles are not good, the combat is too rudimentary to be satisfying and movement overall is way too slow. I respect they made it a very deliberate experience but it should still feel good to play and it just doesn't. It's dull

Tight platforming, fun beginner stealth, incredible soundtrack, amazing characters, and great world variety. All the best aspects of a 3D mascot platformer are here and it's got its own unique style that elevates it further. The tiptoe sound effects are peak sound design. The following games expanded and improved the blueprint set here but this is a classic for a reason.

This is what I like to call a 3-Star Classic. There are so many interesting ideas in here and even though most of them fall apart at the seams it's an absorbing experience nonetheless. I love the realistic historical setting, the main quest story is fantastic, and I love that at the beginning you're not just low levels, you're actively bad at things until you do them more and level up your skills. Once you get the hang of the systems it's all so engrossing. But it's held together by dissolving glue.

Combat falls apart once there are more than 3 enemies and in the big battles, it's a glitchy unintuitive mess. There are a total of many 5 different NPC models in the whole game. The world is beautiful until you get too close to something. There are low-res bushes all over the world that you can't walk through and stop you in your tracks like a titanium barrier. The music is good until you realize you're listening to the same few tracks the entire time. Side quests are only mildly interesting at best.

Despite all that — and I'm sure many of the problems came down to the budget being too small for everything they wanted to do — I was immersed and invested the whole time. I loved riding my horse through the world. I loved getting Henry to go from hapless blacksmith apprentice to charismatic knight who can talk his way out of anything just as well as he can cut his way out, I loved getting ambushed by a group of bandits and coming out on top. I can't wait to see how they improve everything in the sequel.

The shooting and on foot controls are stiff, the driving is slippery, the stealth is bad and the A.I. is dumber than a bureaucrat who thinks Jack Bauer is wrong about his hunch but as a 24 game it's good.

I've now played enough to give a review and atrociously stupid name aside, overall this is a really solid multiplayer FPS. Movement and gunplay feel like classic CoD, the guns are all good for the most part with each having strengths and weaknesses depending on the map/mode/situation. There isn't one gun that is definitively better than any other. The abilities of each faction are good and fun to use. It's very much a simpler FPS mechanically that harkens back to the 360 era but I think that's a good thing. There's still room for improvement, I wish each faction had more characters, the ability selection feels small since abilities are per faction not character, and I think Ults charge a little too slowly in relation to how game-changing they are. But the bones of the game are solid and it's in a good place to build off of.

I wanted to love this so much. The world is beautifully realized, the characters are fun with their own quirks, and the hand-crafted claymation art style is one of the most breathtaking I've seen in a video game. But it's such a slog to actually play that all the good elements fade away to time marching on, you getting older and then realizing it's only been 15 minutes. There's just so little gameplay here and it all moves so purposely slow that it sucks any sense of joy or wonder the rest of the game may have filled you with. This is essentially a walking simulator which is fine, those games have their place but the best ones move, Harold Halibut crawls. You slowly walk from one area to the next, press the interact button on things and that's it. And the game is 10 hours. Once I start checking the time while I'm playing a game it means it's lost me and Harold Halibut lost me fairly quickly but it felt much longer.

This is the best Paper Mario game. Sorry but I don't make the rules. Only game where you can fight a giant Nazi Zombie Fetus as a Jew with David Hasselhoff's head.

It's fine. Not as bad as the concensus says but nothing remarkable either. It's a decent simplistic button masher and the card based roguelike elements do elevate it a bit but it does get old after a while. I'm sure it's more fun with friends but as a solo experience my enjoyment waned pretty quick.

This game is rad, just the epitome of rad. Everything in it is rad. The on rails sections are rad, the more open dogfighting sections are rad, the on foot sections where Fox is basically Arnold Schwarzenegger are rad. I can't believe it took them 10 years before they made another Star Fox game for console and it was Star Fox Zero now it's been almost 10 years since that and we have nothing. They need to make another Star Fox game like this for Switch 2. Fuck Slippy tho.

Can't comment on the multiplayer because I haven't played it since this was new and I'm not even sure the servers are still active but the campaign is good. Like Call of Duty the campaign of these games is essentially a playable trashy Michael Bay movie and this era was the peak of those campaigns.

Really cute game. Short but sweet. Exploring is very fun, there's so much interactivity in the world and a surprising amount of verticality. I'd honestly give it 4 stars if it was a bit more polished. Glitches are one thing and can be patched (though I did have one that prevented me from completing an achievement which is annoying) but the camera frequently gets stuck on walls and jumping can be finicky. Sometimes it's hard to tell where you'll land when aiming a big jump and you can't cancel a jump either. There's no death in the game so when you fall you just have to climb back up but it can get pretty frustrating when you fall from a high spot through no fault of your own. Still it's a very cute game and is a great palette cleanser between bigger games.

I've never been as heartbroken by a video game the way I was by this. I love Final Fantasy, I love FF7, I love Remake and I loved this for a time. It starts off so well. The combat is fantastic, I love spending more time with the characters and seeing them interact more but this game is too big for its britches.

There are 8 open-world areas that are all essentially the same. The environments are different but every activity is the same, the amount of every activity is the same. And you're not rewarded for exploring either, there are no interesting landmarks or places to discover, you go to Ubisoft towers to fill your map with checklist items. And it's that 8 times! It's all optional but it's indicative of the game's main problem, meandering excess. There's too much here and too much of it is just meandering. When the story is good it is GOOD but so much of it is just meandering to keep you in the areas longer. So much of it is just of so little consequence and you just want things to happen, it's nice to get more time with the characters but after a certain point the bubble bursts and you just want it to move on. There's simply too much game here and not enough to justify it. Remake is the first part of a story stretched into a full 30-hour game but it feels like a full 30 complete story. This is the middle part of a story stretched into a full 80-hour game and it feels like a middle section stretched out beyond what it can justify.

When I first played Remake I ended it feeling excited. Excited for the future, excited over the game I just played. When I finished this I felt deflated and despondent. I just wanted it to end. I'm so sad.

Um, this sucks. Some of that has to do with age. The controls and camera are both bad and that can be blamed on technical limitations but most of this game is a time-wasting slog and that's a design choice. The hub area is a godawful exercise in padding out the playtime, as is forcing you to essentially 100% the game. Most of the jiggies boil down to annoying, obtuse objectives that are made more frustrating due to the aforementioned bad camera and wonky controls. It all culminates in one of the worst 1-2 punches of a final boss I've ever played. I hope whoever decided to make the penultimate level of this a game show got what they deserved. I don't know what kind of member berry nostalgia cocktail people are drinking when they talk about this because I can't even imagine this being good in 1998, the year of Spyro, Crash 3, and Sonic Adventure.

It's good, it's very good but I can't shake the feeling that I played a different game than everyone else. The music, character design, and sprite work are all outstanding but I just didn't find the story that compelling. It's fine, it's not bad but it's pretty standard JRPG fare as far as stories go, time travel aside I've seen these beats before and I just wasn't fully sucked in. Same with combat, it's good but it's pretty standard. The characters are likable enough but once I found a party comp I liked I rarely switched so I never really got to interact with the other characters that much. I don't know maybe it was hyped up too much so I was expecting something Earth-shattering. It's really good but it didn't exactly leave me clamoring to play it again.

Somehow this is a legit game. It's not great but it's surprisingly decent time with good enemy variety and simple but fun combat. It has the same problems most of these kinds of games do but it's actual gameplay is fun enough to have a good time.