Games I Own that I MOST LIKELY Won't Ever Review

We've all got limited time to game, and that means prioritizing stuff we want to both play AND write reviews for.

Never Say Never, but these are games I own that I am not likely to ever review.

List will be continuously added to as more games are thought-of.

Hated REmake, and considering this is considered by REmake fans to be worse, I'm going to avoid it like the T-Virus.
A very fun game that showcases the genuine creativity of the Mario fan base, but as someone who has no time to build levels, I wouldn't be able to accurately critique the construction systems.
Came with a Humble Bundle and am just not a big enough fan of either franchise to try it out.
I respect what Myst did for the game industry, but its Moon Logic nonsense and hardcuts render it poorly-aged. I gave-up after an hour or so and haven't looked back since.
Obtained via the EGS store, but considering my less-than-stellar experience with the first one (as well as Bloober games in general), I don't see myself inclined to playing the sequel.
The Total War series in general. I absolutely love these games, but they're a major time sink and I'm honestly ill-equipped to critique them: there are so many macro and micro systems to contend with, not to mention the whole multiplayer aspect, that you're honestly better off watching a multitude of video reviews for the ones you're most interested (again, HIGHLY recommend them!).

Chose Rome 1 because it was my first TW game (interestingly the same studio behind them took a detour to make Alien: Isolation).


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