This game disappointed more than the time I watched friends five times in a row after nintendo power claimed there was an episode where ross and rachel play mortal kombat and it wasn’t true.

When I was six, my brother told me this game was about delivering pizzas. So, it confused the heck out of me why I was shooting all the customers and stealing their pizzas from their rooms.

In honor of how incohesive and haphazardly designed Wrath of Cortex is, I would like to pay tribute by writing this review in the most incohesive and haphazardly written method possible.

WoC doesn't even try to set its own identity. Rather, it seemed to try its hardest to hide in the shadow Of course, Crash 3 also had plenty of eggs in one basket, but WoC never seemed to try justifying its random gimmicks Even the core gameplay, which you probably spend like 40% of the game actually playing The challenge these levels offer only amount to the absurd amount of nitro boxes they seemed to spam everywhere With how much 3D platformers had changed since even Crash 3, this game just feels horribly out of touch for 2001 Aside from the first power-up, which wasn't even utilized much aside from some bonus areas from what I remember The level design is basically just walking through hallways with little to no platforming or challenge And then after THAT, you're thrown into a marble madness clone??? I don't find Crash very engaging from a design or mechanical standpoint, and the depth perception always throws me off That doesn't change just how uninspired and unpolished the final product is.

This was my first time playing a Pokemon game since I believe 2019? It sadly wasn't the best reintroduction, although to give LeafGreen credit, replaying this game reminded me why the Pokemon formula provided me with so much serotonin before.

It's quite simple, really. Putting together teams is just so satisfactory. Is it necessary? Absolutely not. But strategizing which Pokemon I'll use, what movesets they'll have, their synergy with each other, etc adds a layer of brainstorming I wouldn't receive in Pokemon otherwise. I felt bonded to my team in a way I wouldn't have felt if I just overleveled my starter and blown through everything.

But dear miku, this game is so uninteresting otherwise. Were there highlights? Of course. The snorlax battles, the hidden base under the casino, and searching for the legendary birds stood out to me. Otherwise, this game just feels like running through the same mundane motions over and over and over again. Nothing about Kanto's design intrigued me in the slightest (seriously, the dungeon design was on par with NES RPGs), most of the trainers used the same few Pokemon over and over again, and the difficulty was practically non existent aside from level spikes that came out of nowhere.

I know this was supposed to be a faithful remake of the original Red and Blue with GBA mechanics, but did they really need to lock the Pokemon selection to the original 151? I didn't even bother using any Pokemon besides Jon Mess the Venusaur until nearly halfway through the game because none of the other Pokemon available before then stood out to me. Apparently, you can't even evolve Pokemon that received Johto evolutions??? That's genuinely BS.

I'm glad LeafGreen at least rejuvenated my interest in the series (or at least when it comes to replaying the other Pokemon games from my childhood to see if they're worth playing anymore either), and I'm especially happy so many people seem to enjoy it. I can't say I'm one of those people, sadly.

My friend radshyguy harassed my partner to play this game for years. We finally played it together for our anniversary. The only fun thing about the game was us making fun of how much of a bitchmund freud Pikachu was.

I’d like to start this review by talking about the horrendous PS3 version. Don’t play it, even if all you have is a PS3. Unless you want to deal with constant slowdown, screen tearing, random freezing and crashes, annoying glitches, voices cutting out, abysmally long load times (it seriously took me five minutes to return to the pod), and the works. If I were basing this off the PS3 version I’d rate it a 3/10.

The PS4 version on the other hand... is fun but still not that great. It's still the same floaty platforming and level creator as the first two games, and the story mode does offer some really fun puzzles and such. But almost everything new it adds feels really gimmicky and underutilized, the game is rampant with glitches and bugs, and the online barely works. It's just a huge disappointment, especially after how ambitious the second game was.

You can play it both with a fishing rod like in wii tennis and on the vmu screen that automatically makes it a great tennis game

I could snort lucky charms, wear a rabbit's foot, adopt a calico cat, find a four leaf clover, place a horseshoe on my door, build a maneki-neko shrine, and discover a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow and yet I still wouldn't be as luck riddled as this slogfest.

You know how everyone hates Mario 64 DS for remaking a game designed for a control stick on a console with a d-pad? Well, how about remaking a game designed for two control sticks on a console with only one stiff nub, and half the buttons to boot? This alone ruins the game. Catching monkeys went from super fluid to super tedious and clunky. Even the movement speed and jumping are so much more sluggish compared to the original. I guess the updated presentation is technically an improvement, but it lacks any of the charm the original had. Compare the monkeys on the boxart for both games and you'll see what I mean. I'm not exaggerating when I say this is one of the worst remakes I've ever played. Not only are there no substantial improvements, but it actively ruins the experience you could be having. Oh, and the load times? They would make Sonic 06 blush.

Apparently I'm the first person to review this game on the site lol. That should speak volumes for how obscure it is. It has some fun puzzles to solve, and some songs are amazing. So amazing they were remixed in Klonoa 2! That sums up everything interesting about this game. The story is completely forgettable, the spritework isn't nearly as good as some other wonderswan games and the experience starts to get arduous and bland as the game goes on. Also some songs make me want to rip my ears out. Play the GBA games instead. ...It's no wonder no one else could write a review for this game.

Mega Man at its very core has always been about options. Selecting stages in any order you want, using whichever special weapon you prefer, etc. Mega Man Zero 3 encapsulates and achieves that tenfold. You're offered so much variety from your weapons skills, enhancement chips, cyber-elves, combo system, and how you approach stages and bosses that the replay value is practically endless. There are some serious balancing issues sadly, and the game is noticeably easier than the other Zero games. But top the unlimited variety with mostly fun levels, an amazing story, and great spritework and music for the GBA and you have what amounts to what I'd easily call the best Mega Man game. ...And what plenty others agree with nowadays.

Quite possibly my favorite game I've ever played, and one of the few games I've ever cried at. I wish I could go in depth but I'll probably hit a character limit so I'll keep it simple. The story and characters are some of the best I've ever seen in a platformer, the soundtrack is a banger, the art direction is beautiful, and the gameplay is amazing puzzle platformer action. The worst I can say about it is that playing this game is pretty annoying since copies are super rare and PS2 emulators can barely run this game at all. If you somehow manage to get your hands on it though, I would highly highly highly recommend experiencing it for yourself.

This game has been beaten to death. So much so that saying it’s been beaten to death is beaten to death. Anyways, I think Sonic’s playstyle is the best that Sonic’s ever played in 3D with explorative levels and mostly fluid controls. I don’t really care for the other playstyles since they’re super shallow, but they’re at least short. Big’s playstyle is insufferable though. Oh and the cutscenes are unskippable in the dreamcast version who thought this was a good idea anyways Sonic Adventure is pretty fun

Most would say Advance 3 is super flawed. I on the other hand am dumb and think it’s super fantastic. It does have issues with collision detection and enemy placement, I won’t deny that. What I love about this game though is the amazing team system which adds so much replay value and depth to the levels. Plus the stages are way more enjoyable than Advance 1 or 2 imo, with a great blend of both platforming and speed and plenty of creative set pieces. Is that not enough? How about the collectible chaos? Or the ranking system? Or the minigames? Maybe I just have bad opinions. But I honestly think Advance 3 is one of the most underrated games in the series. And no, I didn’t grow up with it.